
Thursday 4 September 2014

Korean artist killed in horrific accident

S Korean man and artist members of the  Ladies Code  of EunB killed after multi-purpose vehicle (MPV), which boarded involved in a freak accident on Tuesday night.

portal  Soompi  reported EunB, 22, suffered serious injuries in the accident and failed to be rescued by the paramedics once they arrived at the scene.

During the event the vehicle is believed skidding slippery road conditions to hit the road divider.

EunB addition, two other members of the group and the Rise Sojung suffered serious injuries but their condition was reported stable.

However, two other members of Zuny and Ashley luckily suffered only minor injuries but the trauma of the incident upon them.

"We are deeply saddened by this incident because we lost EunB Rise and Sojung while being treated in hospital.

"We are shocked by this incident , "said the group's management company representative to media.Mstar

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