
Friday 12 September 2014

Brutal: Thigh dilapah cattle and cut live - live

Sad to see what happened as in the picture above, it was a terrible those who commit atrocities against animals like cattle.

If true the allegations of the Facebook comments below, it's a few people today have lost his humanity. In fact it can be said they are worse than animals.

Just imagine how much pain this cow as three feet cut and dilapah without slaughter. Say, before the damn thing is done, it is sprayed with insecticide to mamai.

Dah la tu steal, go pulak torment animals. What sins of this animal to be like this? Obviously their hearts are black already covered the material world.

Based on the comments, this is rampant in Kelantan and the public are advised not to buy beef in certain areas in Kelantan and this is not a new thing.

Writers are asked to some friends in Kelantan on this matter, and according to them, this is happening in some areas there.

According to one of them, an incident occurred where only one leg that could be cut, and when the cow was found, it was still alive and in the blinking-kebil kesihan.

Asked why only taken away, they said, it was because the legs are the most expensive cow. The only cost RM 40 feet, while the thigh, the RM 20 ~ RM 40 per kilo by maturity cattle. The severity of this man.

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