
Friday 12 September 2014

The real story R0gol case Mersing Hospital Nurses

Since the spread of the story of a nurse dir0gol Mersing Hospital by ambulance driver on the social networking site, there are some people loved the ambulance driver.

Such statements have led many people to wonder what the story behind it and why should we pity ambulance driver involved?

In any case, let us read  the real story  is the subject of conversation in social media quite a surprise if the allegations were true.

Chronological story of: (FOR ADULT READING 18SX)
On 04/09/14 at about 0045 hrs when the complainant left the Hospital Sultan Ismail and is en route back to Mersing Hospital, the complainant sat the back seat and another assistant named Hamizan sit in the front seat of an ambulance driver named Zailani.

Upon reaching Mersing Hospital, Hamizan went back to the emergency ward while the complainant was packed for carrying goods down from the ambulance.

Already a procedure in which an ambulance driver will ask the complainant for signature books ambulance use. Zailani told the complainant to sit in front of the hand book for the use of an ambulance. Complainant said a moment because the complainant wanted jewelry brg again. Complainant then updating the signature and brg but Zailani let alone ask the complainant and the complainant Zailani offer sent to the hospital for 4 Complainant less Zailani invitation and continue to update things. Because they are too tired, fell asleep in the ambulance and the complainant when the complainant woke ambulance was found behind the hospital dormitory.

Complainant tried to open the door of the ambulance, but the door is locked-in state. Wretchedness dark complainant difficult to find a door open for an ambulance. Without realizing it Zailani complainant had been in the back of the complainant and the complainant and Zailani continue memeIuk menc # um mouth complainant.

Zailani further lay the complainant and the complainant and the flick football sap of contact m # d # da complainant. Zailani attempt to open the complainant pants and a struggle occurred and finally succeeded in opening briefs Zailani complainant and the complainant kemaIuan advan # lat.

Zailani then open the pants and put into kemaIuan kemaIuannya complainant. Approximately 2 times Zailani hen.jut, Zailani memanc # man # tkan water on the stomach of the complainant.
Foreclosure details:

1. Goods: 1 piece brown work trousers.
Places found: in the rooms of the house No. 18 Barracks Hospital Mersing.

2. Goods: 1 piece underwear brand Alain Delon maroon color.

3 Items: 1 piece black jacket bearing his name "Zailani"
Places found:-in room Mersing Hospital ambulance driver.

4. Goods: 1 t-shirt dresses in yellow.

Places found:-in room driver Mersing Hospital.

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