
Monday 13 October 2014

Because the dark lover's wife is willing to run left husbands and children

Seremban: Due to fall in love with another man known on the Internet, a woman willing to leave her husband and three children aged 2 to 6 years.

Females aged 30 years is not just disappear without news over the past year, but never bother to know her husband, Sheikh Mahathir Hassan, 33, who married 11 years ago.

Sheikh Mahathir was still trying to find even a slim hope to meet, to ensure that their children, Saifuldin Hakimie, 6, Saifuldin Nazamie, 4, and Saifuldin Azimanamani, 2, gets his own loving mother.

Sheikh Dr Mahathir, who hails from Malacca, said their family life changed when he found his wife often talk on the phone and surf the Internet.

"I never asked him, but he denies. Until I found two sim card cell phone apparently used to get in touch with his dark lover, "he said.

According to him, the most miserable when she disappeared after giving a pretext to visit his father at home.

Sheikh Mahathir said, life is no longer manageable until forced to quit his job as a mechanic for his three children to take care of it.

"I have a few months left in the car with my children because no longer afford to pay rent," he said.

since moved in a new home, he has not been paying rent for not able, however, to understand the problems facing the host.

To survive, Sheikh Dr Mahathir said he took wages take the coconuts and the occasional village to work to support themselves and their children.

"If possible, I want to work but I'm still stuck thinking about who will take care of my children. Want to find someone, I was not able to.

"How now even if I go to work, I take them reason to worry if left at home alone," he said when met at his home in Park NZ, Jalan Seremban - Paroi, here yesterday.

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