
Monday 13 October 2014

Hire a new way to attract customers thigh (4 Photos)

Rental thigh for advertising. The new method used by an advertising agency to find customers.

They employ over 100 female students of a university and pay the girls for letting them walk.

In return, the advertising company may melekatkankan ad bar code on the thigh of the students involved.

In addition, students will also need to sit still if there is any customer who would like a bar code on their thighs.

"Initially, we expect difficult to find girls who want to lap rent. But finally we easily find those who want to take part, "said a spokesman for the product.

In the meantime, one of the students involved, Xia Yu, 19, said she agreed to participate in the advertising campaign because it is not something wrong.

"Only a small ad on the feet and I got the money, '" he said.

However, not everyone agrees with the action as it deemed to be the act of shame.

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