
Friday 3 October 2014

Cause of death b3rzina partner, stick to each other

Mystery pair of adultery to death by sticking around the genitals is often a topic for bloggers who share the story of sin and reward, the reward of God and others.

Nevertheless, there was not a mengupasnya the scientific aspects.

photos and videos shared by komen- comments blindly without berfkir.

Descriptions also occur across the country, the Indonesian. A photo shows a pair of couples who died of alleged adultery and sticks were scattered.

This phenomenon actually exists in the lives of ordinary people, especially women. It's called vaginismus. Whatever the meaning of vaginismus? vaginismus is a condition in which the private parts of women experience cramping muscles one-third of the genitals and around the vagina. These vary according to the level of women's cramps. soalah This phenomenon occurs if a reaction of the refusal to have intercourse up to the level of touch on privacy. This situation can be seen with the woman who is often clutch his feet when it is 'attacking' someone. According to the study, only 2-3% of adult women suffer from this syndrome. factors vaginismus

Vaginismus can be caused by physical factors or psycho.  

Several physical factors are: 

* Interference hymen, including the rest who are interested in case of penile penetration.
* infection that causes sores around the entrance to the vagina or labia.
* Former tears after giving birth not heal better.

Several psychological reasons are: 

* Family background looking sex as something dirty, sinful or shameful. So she grew up with the assumption that sex is something negative.
* traumatic sexual experience, for example, women who have had good dperkosa in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. If it's a horrible experience happened after a married woman, it is called secondary vaginismus.
* frequent sexual relationship and creates a feeling of aching from Psycho. Erectile dysfunction can also be a cause.
* Excessive fear of getting pregnant.
* Fear venereal disease.

Whatever the consequences? 

Due muscle spasms of the outer third of the vagina, the sexual relationship can not last. This causes the penis to bend in extreme close divided the vagina. Assuming penile penetration can be done, it is not perfect and creates a feeling of residue not severe.

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