
Wednesday 22 October 2014

CEO Total private jet inrush death machinery shovel snow

Moscow: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the French oil company, Total SA (Total), Christophe de Margerie, 63, was killed in a plane crash when his private jet crashed into a snow shovel engine during takeoff at Vnukovo airport in the Russian capital yesterday .

The total is the third-largest oil company in Europe confirmed the death of 63 year-old CEO.

"We are sad to announce the company's CEO, Christophe de Margerie was killed about 10 pm (Paris time) in a plane crash at Vnukovo Airport on Saturday after his aircraft collided with the machinery shovel snow.
"Four people were found dead at the scene, including three crew members," the company said in a statement yesterday.

According to the same statement, the company Total will call all the members of the board of directors to attend an urgent meeting following the death of de Margerie.

A few hours before the incident, de Margerie met Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev at his official residence outside the city to discuss foreign investment in Russia, Vedomosti newspaper reported.
In a related development, a Vnukovo Airport spokeswoman said the incident, Dassault Falcon private jet types boarded de Margerie is expected to fly to Paris.
According to airport authorities, visibility on the day of the incident was only about 350 meters.

The crash is still under investigation by the Cross-State Aviation is responsible for investigating all air crash in Russia.

Some investigating committee said shovel snow machine driver was drunk when the incident occurred.
"However, bad weather and pilot error will also be investigated," they said.
De Margerie became CEO of Total since 2007, however, he is known as "Big Moustache" has been with Total for 40 years.
He had left a wife and three children.

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