
Sunday 12 October 2014

Children join UAE fighter IS killed

Damascus: A child from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who fought with the militant group Islamic State (IS) in Syria, and his father was killed in a coalition airstrike United States of America (USA), said some supporters of IS on social media yesterday.

According to the report, the child, Mohammad al ABSi Abu Obeida died on Wednesday.
However, the date the pair joined CI in Syria unknown.

UAE sits on the US-led military alliance to launch air strikes on the IS in Syria.
Militant groups that recruit foreign fighters from the Gulf and Europe.

So far, the actual age of the boy is still not clear. A video clip on the internet showing him wearing a military uniform and smiling. Based on the recordings, Mohammad reliable aged between nine and 13 years.

In the meantime, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations Organization in its report earlier this year found that IS training and use of children in war.

"Doing IS using children under the age of 15 years of war resulted in the group's war crimes," said the report.
Supporters IS however praise the child in their Twitter accounts.
"He wants to learn to drive a car so he could do a suicide attack," said an owner of a Twitter account.

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