
Sunday 19 October 2014

Incident Open Lid: Ira Mohd Amin himself admits his mistakes

Kuala Lumpur:  Era radio presenter, Ira Mohd Amin admits he uncovered the incident when out with celebrities Nana Mahzan night through a photo uploaded to Instagram by her was a big mistake that he had done.

Ira said he was under tremendous pressure today after many fans who would condemn his actions in the social networking site.
"I'm very disappointed and I think it was not supposed to happen in life and I do not want to blame anyone or engage in this. It was my mistake and I'm sorry.
"In fact, I never thought that perihatian butterfly and slammed me yesterday, frankly I was very depressed to not stop crying. But I accept all criticism.

"I never thought this could be a great thing like this, but I learn from the mistakes that after this think twice before to do something," he said when contacted

Ira asked to comment after her photo appeared veiled opposition and was not happy by the fans and followers on Instagram yesterday.

Speaking about the status of the image now, Ira told he is still in the process of learning and still want to stay with a hood.
"I admit it now I'm still in the process of adapting to veiled and became a good Muslim. Just in perjalannan I admit it made a mistake.
"But I certainly will continue to be covered, and still veiled now," luahnya.
Segment operates grain Hit Live at Era FM Era began at the beginning of Ramadan last hijab.

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