
Saturday 25 October 2014

Kedah players Namkung Woong rib fractures (2)

The second semi-final Malaysia Cup ended last night, winning the men Zainal Abidin Hassan ensure they are on the right track in its mission to maintain the earth Pahang Malaysia Cup.

Others who played well in the first semi-final failed to repeat their performance, Namkung Woong Kedah players suffered serious injuries and had to be changed in minutes to seven matches.

Namkung Woong had pursued it to the Kuantan Medical Center for treatment, initial reports suggest that Namkung She suffered broken ribs and a minor injury to the lungs.

Injuries he suffered after colliding with Damion Stewart early in the game, he had to forego action for the match and it was unfortunate his team had also received a major defeat to Perak with a 5- 0.

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