
Friday 17 October 2014

Nurse suspected of killing 38 patients for heart pain

Rome:  A nurse at a hospital here suspected of killing 38 patients after being accused of injecting a potassium chloride using only because of the patient or their family annoyed.

Poggiali Daniela Lugo was arrested in northern Italy after the sudden death of 78-year-old patient admitted to the hospital because of fever.

Following the incident, the Italian police are investigating and expanding the scope for involving the death of 38 patients suspected of murdered nurse.

There are reports that she is killing patients using potassium, while a colleague was told, Daniela was asked to record a picture next to a new patient dies.

The 42-year-old nurse was also jokingly wanted to give potassium chloride to a terminally ill patient.

Daniela also allegedly had a bowel laxative drugs to patients before the end syifnya for deliberately want to upset my colleagues on the next shift.

She became a suspect following an investigation into cases of sudden death in patients under his care, Rosa Calderoni, 78, last April.

Tests showed that blood contains a large number of retirees potassium chloride, which, if it is given in high doses can cause a heart attack.

The materials used on the prisoners on death row in the United States.

Chief prosecutor Alessandro Mancini told a news conference, his face difficulties in the investigation of Daniela.

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