
Friday 17 October 2014

Women react violently kicking police arrested

A woman was arrested in Kuching, Sarawak, early this morning as a result of his actions kicking two police officers after he had an accident.

The Borneo Post quoted a report today, the incident occurred at Jalan Wawasan 2020 near the church of St. Thomas.

She was 20 years old at first drove the car before losing control and hit a lamp post.
A community leader there, heard the accident happened and out of the home stores to help women get out of his car damaged before calling an ambulance and the police to the scene.

Two police patrol arrived on the scene and met with the woman.
However, there are some questions to ask the police to the woman failed to answer.
Genesis became tense when the woman refused to take an ambulance because he claimed he was not injured. Suddenly, the woman kicked police officers act as well as the rough with the medical staff.

Aggressive behavior is forcing police to act handcuffed the woman and arrest him.
He was taken to a nearby police station for urine tests to determine whether he tested positive for drugs or otherwise.

In the report, the woman was said to have originated from Mature and is now being held for further investigation.

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