
Friday 24 October 2014

Viral recipe: Sour Mango Pickle Boi Sure Mengiurkan

A day or two recipes Mango Sour Pickle Boi has become viral on social media and blogs, his name this recipe has been shared by many people to try it.

Because this recipe last admin was not a chance to try this recipe Pale Orange Mango flavor, this recipe a long time ago and there was only a day facebook page he has become viral.

The admin time between visits facebook is facebook Cik Jan  and there are 33K people "Like" this page Recipes Mango Sour sure Ms. Jan Boi themselves did not get much attention.


dried chilli
6 cups water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 pieces of brown sugar
1 sack of salt
young mango

unify young mango with sugar water was drained and chilli paste ... just average mix ... add a bit of salt to taste ... enter into the bottle ... leave it for 1-2 days so that the sugar water and chilli ... delicious eaten cold seep ... so, keep in the refrigerator for better taste again ... this pickle can last 2-3 months if stored tp is often not until a week already exhausted

chilli brewed with water ... then, ground ... do follow their own appetites ... if you want spicy, prepare much ... if you want to reduce the spicy, remove the seeds can be used ...

quotes / quote / buy mango slices and young enough ... 4 ... if the fruit on a small, 2 on the go ... get rid of the seeds ... wash and rinse thoroughly remove the rubber ...

soak in a basin of young mango / large pot with a bag of salt for 1-2 days until the skin turns golden brown mango ...

4 pieces of boiled sugar and 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar with 6 cups of water over medium heat ... can add more water if the flavor is concentrated ... sugar water cooled.

That is the recipe from her Facebook Page admin to Ms. Jan, on their own do not have time to make this recipe can be completed orders .

Will open appetite and anyone who saw her eating already drooling admin view this sour plum mango pickle, quickly tried this recipe or order only.

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