
Friday 28 November 2014

Participants posed Ala Fizo use dirty tactics Mawar want to win RM 30,000

Fizo actor Omar describes the addition of several conditions for searching the winner of the competition posed Ala Roses Fizo which lasted from two months ago as a step to be fair to all participants. Fizo Hafizol real name is Wan Wan Omar, 29, said the matter was conducted after identifying a participant using dirty tactics to win the game with the easy way. "Originally we did for this contest are relaxed and do not expect to receive thousands of entries, so we had to make certain requirements in order to add the selected winner is really worth it. " We can know there using dirty and unhealthy way when they set their facebook accounts like your auto is getting like the picture automatically. It is not fair to other players who participate, "said Fizo when contacted here today. Fizo said this when asked to comment on a few people who are not satisfied with the changes and additions to the conditions prescribed for the winner.

Changes in conditions which are updated via facebook page Fareeda on Tuesday.

Comments from participants who are not satisfied with the action of the Fareeda which often make changes in requirements.

Some participants also considered a competition organized by the famous brand scarves Fareeda was unprofessional.

In the meantime, Fizo said the contest was originally calculated by the number like most accepted for posed pictures Ala Roses Fizo.

Obviously, the winner will be chosen from 25 finalists at the closing ceremony which will be held in the boutique Fareeda in Bangi, 30 November.

"Originally it was calculated based on the number of images like the most, but we added some further conditions shortlist of 25 players will be tested again in a ceremony held at Fareeda boutique in Section 9, Bangi on Sunday.

"They need to study about my background, roses and Fareeda. I am sure that the selected winner will be really worth because they will be judged by some local celebrities," he said.

Meanwhile, Fizo recognize touched by the participants who are willing to give the best action to win the contest.

He said, some are willing to ask permission to take photos in front of his house because of the competition.

"I have to be fair because there are players who really tried to give her the best. There is willing to find a horse, posing with the leaning tower of Teluk Intan merely imitate my style at the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.

"There is also a security guard asked for permission to take photos front of my house," he said.

In the meantime, according to Fizo, three winners will carry a cash prize of RM30,000 and Fareeda lid.

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