
Saturday 29 November 2014

Video: Egyptian soldiers raped Muslim women even have to be a corpse

If modern Pharaoh named Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi blatantly defend Israel, secretly the Egyptian police and army brutally tortured and raped Muslim women were severely when detained in jails them.

Atrocities against Muslim prisoners had been exposed four months ago menerusia a documentary video uploaded to Youtube Ibrahim Elmasry and sticking to the surface through Friday (11/28/2014) in social media Facebook and Twitter.

Video duration of less than 3 minutes depicts some Egyptian Muslim who was a witness of Muslim prisoners were brutally tortured and raped to death in prisons by Egyptian police and military

According to witnesses, one Muslim in the commentary on the video, the police and the Egyptian army was always shouting and spoke harshly to the Muslim prisoners.

"They went into the cell and cried, then stripped and lust to lust like a dog in the street." "Some prisoners even died in his cell after being beaten, but the Egyptian military and police remain in a state of rape has become a corpse," said one Muslimah.

So few prisoners were lucky to be able to breathe fresh air again while remaining unknown khabarnya until now.

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