
Friday 5 December 2014

Excited fans want to see Rita demonstrate boobs?

Kuala Lumpur: I just let the lazy self, people who talk like this are the mentally retarded.

Kind of like the only thing that will talk nonsense on others,  was popular dramatic expression, Rita Rudaini Mokhtar about most of the warrior class action keyboard or 'keyboard warrior' who ridicule due to a misunderstanding supposedly he will participate in a carnival parade boobs .

Rita, 38, who contacted, said he was initially surprised when receiving a lot of negative comments on his social accounts that associates itself with the event.

"At first I was weird why the followers of this comment thing is not really there that supposedly can not wait to show my breasts look at a carnival.

"To laugh was there in the beginning. So I couldnt believe the crap they have events like that. Especially me and Diamond (Ladyana) also is said to be running our chest at the carnival," he said.

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