
Friday 5 December 2014

Read: Zina will continue even after the ijabkabul?

Indeed, this problem is severe. Note the questions 1 - 5. Marriage is like this today is very common for families usually choose this path for saving face. When a child can know "pregnant out of wedlock", quickly married off.

Based on this fact, the marriage contract is invalid, then the couple later lived in adultery until whenever. This question was posed to a priest, where many other issues arising from the question of the tree.

I share them with you as they are very important:

Question 1: What are the appropriate measures if an unmarried girl pregnant outside of marriage?

Answer 1:  The girl can not be married until the baby is born.

Question 2: If the man in charge was willing to marry her, can they get married?

Answer 2:  No. They can not marry until the baby is born.

Question 3: Is the marriage valid if they marry?

Answer 3:  No. Marriage is invalid. A man can not marry a pregnant woman, even if he is the father of the unborn child.

Question 4: If they married, what should they do to correct it?

Answer 4:  They must be separated. She should wait until birth, or confirm that she is not pregnant, then they can get married again, legally.

Question 5: What if they do not correct?

Answer 5:  They will live in adultery because marriage was not valid.

Question 6: What are the rights of a child born out of wedlock?

Answer 6:  The majority opinion said that the child has NO RIGHT to demand anything from his father.

Question 7: If the law says that man is not the father of the child, does that mean he is not a mahram to her own daughter?

Answer 7:  Yes. He can not be a mahram.

Question 8: If a Muslim man and a Muslim woman (or non-Muslim) wanted to marry after cohabiting, whether appropriate action?

Answer 8:  They must separate immediately and wait until her menstrual once before they can get married.

Question 9: If I knew / know someone in this situation, do I have to tell him, or better to meddle own?

Answer 9:  You must tell, because it is part of your responsibility as a brother. They should be given the opportunity to correct them, if not all offspring born of the marriage is not valid it is children who are not legitimate.

In conclusion: Parents, relatives, people of the village, tok-tok imam, tok-tok kadi Dan witnesses who knew the situation but silence, condone or justify the continued marriage then they are also not spared from suffering the torment and torture either in the world or in the Hereafter. Nauzubillah ..

Please do not ignore this information. This is a serious matter so, understand and dissect right and talk to the priest / teacher if necessary.

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