
Sunday 18 January 2015


If during this time you are lazy to walk, then consider re ...

According to a research, brisk walking can reduce 8 types penyakitberbahaya. This is the 8 types of diseases that can be cured dengansenaman centering on foot.

1. Heart Attack

Walking can reduce the risk of heart attack. The heart muscle needs more blood flow freely (of the coronary vessels) to be able to function normally without stopping the blood pumping. Walk can quickly drain the blood into the heart. With the frequent walking, good cholesterol (HDL), which works like a sponge absorbing the bad cholesterol (LDL) will increase.

2. stroke

In a study conducted on 70 thousand nurses at the Harvard School of Public Health are conducting walk for 20 hours a week while working to decrease the risk of stroke up to 2/3.

3. Burn the Fat

Walking routine will increase the body's metabolism. In addition to a number of wasted calories during the walk, the excess calories are stored in the body will be burned, then weight gain is inevitable.

4. Slimming

If you have more weight, start walking routine. Leg movements were able to lose weight and belly fat you will be eroded. Do the walk for an hour a day (jogging is better, but do not over so).

5. Cancer

Cancer symptoms will disappear by itself if we diligently walk. Cancer is a type of cancer can be suppressed bowel (colorectal carcinoma). Body movements can launch bowel function, including bowel movements with regularity. Colorectal cancer usually occurs because a large water holding long. In a different study, walking can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

6. Prevent Osteoporosis

Often walk not only nourish the muscles in the body, but the skeleton or bones will be healthy and strong. Preventing osteoporosis is not enough just to routinely take vitamin D and calcium intake that much, the body also requires body movement and takes less than 15 minutes in the sun.

7. Prevent Diabetes

With routine walk around 6 km per hour about 50 minutes, you can delay or prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes, especially for those who are obese (National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases & Gigesive). Blood sugar can be controlled by moving the body (brisk walking), medication is not required. You only need to walk consistently to maintain body fitness and avoid diabetes.

8. Depression

Walking quickly can replace anti depression drugs that are usually taken regularly by patients with depression. So, walk always that you are not depressed.

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