
Sunday 18 January 2015


Sex basically can be done because the biological instinct in every human being. But if the knowledge of the sex itself is minimal, it is not possible enjoyment of this intimate relationship is hard to come by married couples. People think sex does not need to be studied as if it had been married going smoothly by itself.
The assumption is not wrong but it is not always true as well. not a few couples who confusion when starting their first night, even the most severe because of disharmony in bed is what actually triggers their many perelingkuhan and divorce. To start the first night sex with the idol of the heart that has become a wife, it is better to know several tips sex the first night following is quoted from

Before you start doing Heating or Foreplay

The opening stage is usually done by covering the activities fondle cooed, stroking gently and stimulating. Heating begins with the approach, first, conducted by the sexual act to proceed on this puncaknya.Tahap for women is a very important stage. Please know that this warming activities do not in a hurry.

At this stage the wife is frequently hit by doubts whether he was just infatuated with their bodies or herself what adanya.Keraguannya be missed if the husband:

  • Did not show an act of love towards his wife and more focus to the sexual act.
  • No condition or wife prepare to be ready to make love. meaning only themselves, which is important he satisfied sdangkan wife likes it or not, ready or not to make love she did not care.
  • Haste in heating sometimes even without heating.
  • Just focus on the breast and genital parts alone.

Answer the above shows that the husband only wants to have sex because the body of his wife. If that happens on the contrary, can be interpreted husband loves what it is on the account of the istri.Seorang women need to know whether the whole body is loved and appreciated. Not only certain areas only. It is also a major difference between men and women. Men like it when women fondle vital area. In contrast, women like whole body dicumbui, so not only the genital area alone.

One of the activities that can be done when the heating is talking. Can be done while caress and seduce. In addition to satisfying the wife will be communication, also accompanied the minds of his wife's sexual direction. If the husband is able to fulfill his wife's mind with pleasant sexuality, can be seen from the whole body of his wife, who react sexually. Talk here could be a compliment or ajakan.Namun here most husbands wrong way. Figuring if already seduced her, then the whole will be swept away. Often the heating activity, the couple in the idle state does not speak a word. It is not very good. Should now do touch or stimulation of heating is also accompanied by the expression of words of love, praise, flattery and fondling that will accelerate mengeloranya passion wife.

Undress stimulus
Furthermore, when the start undressing. This time try to look at his wife's body much longer when the clothes start terlukar one by one. When looking at this you can give confidence that his wife is beautiful and it would be made into a confident wife, especially in the kind of woman who bit enclosed and has a self keperyaan kurang.Suami wife should make confident in his own body. Do not mock shortcomings. while undressing satisfy eyes for looking at her body. Expression of feelings, how you like to look at his body so that he more often memperlihatkannya.Apa you do this will make the wife be more accepting and more loving her. it could be one more thing to encourage increased female sex drive.

Give touch With Heartfelt
Many women who hate if the warming her husband went straight to the breast area. It gave the impression that only that men want from women. There are many areas that can be in touch and in jest before he reaches the central area of the erotic. A light touch can be very stimulating women. can be started from the feet and hands and then gradually creep in the breast and surrounding areas. Try to touch the erotic not make amused because it can actually turn off the passion.
Long, smoldering kiss could be the main menu. This area is a sensitive area, particularly on the nipple. Many women are less confident with her breasts. A wife would be very happy if her husband's love and love, enjoy and feel satisfied with the breasts. When the wife's hand lifted and placed behind the head, tighten the skin around the breast so that it becomes more sensitive. Although the area under the arms and underarms not erotic areas, women are very happy if this region participated in uneaten.

The use of lubricants or lubricant, for example honey, the nipples will add to the enjoyment as well. The use of lubricants should not be a hassle to reduce arousal that are towards the top. which need to be considered in the heating, do not menggangap this activity only as a series of steps toward penetration. Suppose heating as enjoyment and pleasure that can direguk together.

Determine a comfortable sex position
For newlyweds first night. Surely not too many positions to do, even though such a newlywed own books or stories from other people's experience or the experience of the film remains the same as the newlyweds experienced "stage fright" juga.Posisi the usual recommended first experience of experts is the conventional position domana women and men are under the above. Husband wife's body overwrite fully resting on the knees and elbows.
Women are not fully supine, knees raised up to form a 90 degree angle. Can also be used flanking waist woman legs husband or circular. Women to higher abstinence can wedge a pillow. When reaching orgasm, men should butt in tight hugging his wife. This position is good also for the position should be kehamilan.Pemilihan mutual agreement, not force each other. Do not let the fun change positions to fall out of bed. Position above conventional good enough for the newlyweds apart from being able to satisfy both sides are good too begi of pregnancy.

Continue to sensitive areas
Warming journey finally sampi clitoral area. As a further step towards penetration. We recommend that you do touch on other areas before heading clitoris. Could be at the start of stimulation on the thigh above the knee area. Stir from bottom to top and repeated many times without spark advance dahulu.Bila clitoral stimulation area is done gently and slowly will cause the usual curved pleasure.
The clitoris can be rubbed repeatedly pressing movements. Another tanagn and mouth move towards lain.Pemijatan clitoral area sought not to create friction. to make sure that does not happen pergunkan friction lubricants. Natural Pelumaas actually produced by the vagina when it has reached the stage of arousal. Can also be used saliva. Artificial lubricants easily scattered and absorbed by other parts, except a natural lubricant that produced the vagina, is available continuously.

Ensure that could produce Lubrication
How to pass lubrication in women that genitalnya be slippery? Heating nail agan improve lubrication on the wife. Speaking and tempt the mind during heating is relatively important to increase the heating. If the wife is getting aroused both body and mind and feelings then alamian will remove fluid. Husband and mind can merangsangperasaan wife with play or seduced feelings for memncumbui baguian genital. Gently press will increase the production of vaginal fluid.

Speaking and can respond even bigger benefit during lovemaking. But mostly what happens is the opposite. Most couples who are not experienced in sex activity without leaving a single word during sex. Consequently rarely can determine which parts are most preferred pasangannya.Lewat conversation during sex will be revealed which parts are the most preferred and satisfaction that can be repeated another time. This ultimately can prolong the enjoyment or satisfaction together for a mutual fondness megerti pasanganya.Dengan pressed leather upper abdomen, the skin becomes tense and more sensitive. Other hand would caress the clitoris with a variety of sweep. from the soft caress, then strong, up and down around the circle. In this way a husband can escort her towards orgasm.

Start with Penetration in Slowly
Feelings experienced by women during the early days of penetration can be greatly increased his passion. thing to remember is when will perform penetration, make sure the wife pussy is completely wet. If the condition is not wet pussy wife means not aroused passion and can be painful when the wife of vaginal penetration if the conditions are still dry. The pain and discomfort it can kill gairag wife who was heading for the summit. Is very important to know whether his wife is horny and ready for penetration.
Initial penetration plays an important role in the control of subsequent movement towards the summit. Can try to stimulate the vagina gate section with shear tip of the penis to cause a sensation. Do not let the rush to enter the penis in depth. Penetration can be done by inserting the penis slowly. Even drawn again and again memasaukkan slowly and deeper. The first penetration by way of slowly will cause a very strong stimulus for the way to the top.

After the climax Keep Intimacy
Orgasm is the climax sexual activity both for men and women. If it reaches the climax stage, which must be maintained is intimacy as husband and wife. Well How pairing aroused during the first night?

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