
Saturday 31 January 2015


Some mothers have a problem jamil leg cramps. Calcium supplements cure leg cramps, especially at the end of the trimester. Leg cramps associated with calcium deficiency. Is this true and how these supplements can help overcome leg cramps ?? Let's read further.


• Rahim growing causes blood vessels depressed. This resulted in difficult blood flow to the top (of the legs to the heart).
• Blood flow is increasingly difficult these seizures cause foot pain.
• Calcium supplements are often used to treat leg cramps, but it did not help much.


• Perform exercises such as walking (not running or jogging) to activate the flow of blood from the legs to the heart.
• Place your feet on a chair when sitting at rest.
• Wear special stockings (stocking graded pressure) which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
• Get help husband massaging the feet to promote blood circulation.
• Soak feet in warm water or warm poultice feet with a towel. It helps blood circulation in the legs.


• Assist in the formation of bones and teeth.
• Baby will steal calcium from pregnant women. Causes bone calcium pregnant women suffer from thirst.
• Continue to take calcium supplements during confinement and when breastfeeding later. Vitamin D is also important to ensure that ingested calcium pills can be absorbed into the body.
• Women who are deficient in calcium will get Osteoporosis risk in the future.
• Pregnant women and lactating requires 1000 - 1200 mg of calcium a day. But do not take excessive calcium because it can cause constipation and kidney stones.


One thing we note is less about the effects of calcium to our body.

Did you know, excessive calcium in the body can cause kidney stones ?? This can happen if;

1) Calcium you take only contain calcium alone without other vitamins and minerals in it to help the absorption of calcium.

2) you do not drink enough water each day according to the body's needs. The average of our need at least 3Liter plain water every day.


Shaklee Ostematrix to come in the form of easy-to-swallow tablet. Anyway vitamin content in ostematrix not just calcium.

Ostematrix in each tablet contains Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Boron. Each of these vitamins and minerals have a specific function in aiding the absorption of calcium.

VITAMIN D - Increases the absorption of calcium and helps regulate calcium in the bones penuimpanan. It also maintains the storage of minerals in the bone.

If the calcium we consume (eat) does not contain vitamin D, it causes calcium we eat it can not be absorbed properly. So the bone can not absorb calcium, worse when calcium is not absorbed will be between fakyor which causes kidney stones!

MAGNESIUM - Assist combines calcium in bones.

When calcium is absorbed into the bones, magnesium also helps to combine calcium is absorbed, it is to get a good impression and absorption.

COBALT, COPPER, ZINC - Activates enzymes that help in building bone density.

After calcium is absorbed in yulang, the enzyme is activated to ensure our bones solid ni. When solid then become strong bones!

BORON - Helps in bone metabolism.

If you want to take calcium, make sure it contains Magnesium, Vitamin D and vitamin and mineral as mentioned earlier. It's to help optimize calcium absorption and can reduce the risk of kidney stones.


Capable of causing a slight amount of amnion. Then, reduce blood flow in newborn otat.

This medication is effective for treating mood masalh uncertain but it can affect the development of babies jantungg.

An antibiotic to treat infections of the chest, vagina and acne. If taken in the second trimester third dna, can affect the development of your baby's teeth and cause tooth colored yellow.

This medication can cause contraction of blood vessels essential dinjantung babies should only be contracted after birth.


There are several types of antibiotics that are not safe for pregnant women tetracyclines (doxycycline and minocycline). Similarly, Bactrim and Deptra.

JOM LAYAN testimonials

Interested? You need consultation on the appropriate supplement for you, contact me through WhatsApp ✆ + 60166664584 - eza

I chose Shaklee products as a source of additional food to supplement the nutrients making me all day. You should take a supplement principle for the whole family. Jom live more healthy, ill-health is kerana The real wealth.

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