
Wednesday 25 February 2015


I wrote last night no entry stupid article sado men.
Pagi2 ni dah out another stupid article entry.
do not be angry ye..Bila we never had any cause of stupid
thus we can avoid our stupidity
ni-lampau.hahahhah,,, so melmpau

A study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles,
eating late at night can affect brain function.

kadang2 we have no intention to lewat2 ni kan eat.
but being busy sangat..kan?
He could not lagi2 if there are small children tu,
child la dah new bed was like eating Rural.
otherwise, you will not have time to eat Rural chew,
bribery swallow, swallow mouthfuls then start sembelit..ekekekek

Time is a really late night is the time we sleep.
so when we disturb the proper time we sleep,
Our cognitive function is impaired, especially learning mechanisms
and memory functions of the brain.

What is the University doing, they invent two groups of mice.
group 1 in the feed with the right timing and regularly while
The second group was given a late dinner and not teatur.
its effects in mice into two groups difficult to remember
what they have learned and also more difficult to
recognize new objects in the learning process.

so ...

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