
Thursday 19 February 2015


If true thing is rumored by sources who said rigid now lost source of income due cheated manager, apparently the singer of this country any right to be in a difficult situation. According to sources, a former public relations officer of the record companies do rigid, mother of singer 13 years also back begging.

"Poor mother is now back begging because they have no money. Not from 'A' forge rigid mayhem. He now resides in the village because it does not work anymore " "I sympathize with rigid. Rigid passport was taken away by his former manager 'A'. Due to the rigid can not go anywhere and had to decline the offer performances in Malaysia because no passport, "the source said. Add another source, 'A' who is a citizen of Singapore is the former manager of both rigid that are believed to be in Kuala Lumpur. "I can know the 'A' here. He let terkontang rigid lenses after he had devised, boy. Rigid exhausted a lot of money because of him " "My mother never told rigid to one rigid fan club members in Malaysia that his son did not have any savings since with 'A'," he added. In addition, it is also alleged to have kept rigid during the month by the manager and not allowed to contact his family in the village.

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