
Thursday 19 February 2015


It's common for a newly married couple on their honeymoon, Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari still have not planned location for this purpose because they are still bound by their own affairs.

"When this Yana was still busy with filming telemovie and movies. Only after the completion of two new agenda that we can think about the honeymoon.

"Follow the desire Yana, he badly wanted a honeymoon in Italy. I never told media partners want to honeymoon in the Maldives. Look how later, "said Fadzil explain their situation at the moment.

In addition, Fadzil also briefly tell a little bit about a lot of character Yana touched his heart during their love relationships before marriage.

"Now after my mother, he is a woman who sits in my heart. Despite the success of a man is a woman who was behind it. It was they who were behind my success now "

"We know when it's time, I have not got out of nothing and now marry her when she is a publisher. I now have a company Prokuya Studio. He (Yana) did much to support me "

"He himself was a man who works hard. He is like my teacher. Throughout Tell him I know from the bottom to do a lot of work for a valuable experience, "he said.

We're sure many fans who prayed Fadzil Yana and happiness to remain sustainable and lasting until the end of life.

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