
Monday 16 February 2015

Second Cheating Wife In 'Live'

LOS ANGELES - A man who was disappointed to learn that his wife cheated on him, has decided to share it to the general disappointment with open blog and tell every second of the `live 'to the public.

The poor man's use of online community Reddit to tell about what happened with the pseudonym MyLifeSuxNow.

"I detect cheating through the messages in his mobile phone. I know he did not know that I have detected the imposture.

"She and her boyfriend always on at 1 am to 4 am, at which time he thought I was asleep," he said, then started to tell what happened.

The man and his wife were married eight years ago after graduating from university.

MyLifeSuxNow Reddit community was also asked whether he should divorce his wife, though he claims he still loves the woman.

He then proclaim that an investigator was hired to investigate and obtain evidence of cheating wife.

"Jenny met the man in an apartment and they kiss, then went into the house. Legally they cheat, '' he said adding that every second movement of Jenny in the blog.

About 15,000 people give advice to MyLifeSuxNow to deal with situations where his wife cheating and what should dilakukannya.Ada requesting that she divorced Jenny.

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