
Tuesday 28 April 2015

Death toll at 79 for quake in India, Nepal, China

GANGTOK, India (AP) — Officials say the death toll from a Himalayan earthquake that shook northeastern India, Nepal and China has risen to 79, while troops trying to reach survivors are pushing through landslide debris with earthmovers.

Karma Gyatso, chief secretary of the worst hit Indian state of Sikkim, says 50 people have been killed in the state, taking the death toll from Sunday’s 6.9-magnitude quake to 79.

Other deaths occurred in neighboring Bihar and West Bengal states, Nepal and the Chinese region of Tibet.

Gyatso said Tuesday that local authorities have reported extensive damage to homes and buildings across Sikkim.

Helicopters are ferrying rescue workers and emergency supplies, while paramilitary troops use earthmovers to clear landslides on highways linking the region to the rest of India.

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