
Thursday 23 April 2015

Freedom of religion is not absolute Sarawak population

PUTRAJAYA - The right to freedom of religion clerk of Sarawak, Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill is not absolute, the Court of Appeal was informed here today.

Senior Federal Counsel Shamsul Bolhassan argued that the right to freedom of women subject to public order, public health and morality, according to Article 11 (5) of the Federal Constitution.

He argues Interior Minister has explained in the affidavit that the seizure of eight compact discs owned by Bill Christianity in Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Sepang in 2008 was done in accordance with a government directive and a special directive for reasons of safety and public order.

"The decision of the minister seized eight compact discs do not violate any of his basic rights guaranteed under Article 8 (Equality before the law)
and 11 of the Constitution (freedom of religion), "he said.

"Bill is basically still enjoy rights within the Constitution, Shamsul said in the appeal of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom of applying the Court of Appeal set aside the orders of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur return all involved to Bill compact disc, a Melanau descent.

Shamsul said, involved the seizure of all compact discs are on the instructions of the Minister of the Interior and are not employees of the Customs Department, Suzanah Muin which only act on the instructions of the minister.

He said Interior Minister acting lawfully, rational and reasonable decision and the decision is aimed at prevention to ensure the security and public order in the country.

"As the Minister responsible for internal security and public order, he did not have to wait for the onset of chaos to use its powers to prevent violence in order to maintain security and public order," he said.

During questioning by Judge Datuk Seri Zakaria Sam, a panel of three judges sitting, on whether ministers have considered that all compact discs containing titles involved, each just to use its own Bill, Shamsul said: "It can be used for himself but on the same time we can not rule out a copy of this compact disc can also be made. "

Attorney Bill, Lim Heng Seng had argued that the decision depriving compact disc is not rational because his client and his tribe and other Christian natives in Sabah and Sarawak have been using the word 'ome Allah'untuk generation without confusion, religious sensitivity or threaten public order.

He said religious rights bill can not be limited to the recognition of freedom but also practice his religion.

Lim said the decision of the Minister of the Interior seized CDs Bill is contrary to the Constitution and violates the right to religious freedom
guaranteed under the Constitution.

He said, Suzanah have acted alone to seize compact discs involved and Bill were not given the right to be heard and the opportunity to reject the mistaken view Suzanah in action.

On July 21. The Kuala Lumpur High Court ordered all compact discs were seized and returned to the Bill.

Bill also cross-appealed against the High Court's decision not to grant damages claimed.

In May 2008 compact disc berujudl Living In Government GOD ',' True Life In Government GOD 'and' True Worship In the Kingdom of GOD 'has been taken from Bill after he got off the plane.

Melanau woman has filed a judicial review application on August 20, 2008 to demand compact discs were seized and compensation.

Judge Datuk Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, who chaired the panel of three judges, has postponed a decision on the appeal until the date which will be set later.

Another is to convene a panel of judges Datuk Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim.

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