
Saturday 18 April 2015

Get money for milk for children, but can bashers

Ayer Keroh: Just because asking for money to buy milk for the children, a woman severely beaten by her husband without any compassion.

This has caused Eve (not her real name), 25, suffered multiple injuries to his face.

More unconscionable, the husband also let a friend slapped her face so bloody without the slightest sympathy.

The incident occurred after four months of Eve marry the man her age peers.

Recalling the incident, Eve came from Alor Gajah, said he has high hopes to build a bond with the man after his first marriage destroyed.

"My marriage with her first husband only lasted seven years. We were blessed with three children, now aged 7, 5 and 3 years old. I kept two of them, another ex-husband cared.

"After three years of divorce, I was introduced to a man of the same age also comes from the same area through a friend. We married in March last year, even through many obstacles, "he said.

He said the economic pressure makes your attitude turns into hot-tempered husband.

"Arising from the slight misunderstanding can lead assaulted me. The roller coaster has become a toy husband, but he never stepped on my face until I broke my nose.

"When I was pregnant once, he still beat me. He once kicked my content but thankfully nothing happened, "he said.

Eve said, the highlight of their marriage when her husband pronounces divorce out of court in March and then confirmed dissociation Islamic Religious Department Alor Gajah District on 13 April.

"What I was not satisfied, though already over 10 police report was made, but the former husband remains free without a single case which may be associated with violence committed against me.

"Although we are divorced but whenever I claim child maintenance, it will definitely happen contention until he hit me," he said, want to seek justice on the matter.

Following the stalemate think about it, Eve finally lodged a complaint at the office of BN Service Centre (Defenders BN) Melaka yesterday.

Director BN Melaka defender, Amir Hamza Aziz said he would help mothers with respect to providing legal services for the prosecution against her husband.

"We will conduct discussions with lawyers to enable action to be taken so that this case can be carried out immediately.

"I understand, he's been making a lot of police reports related to alleged cases of violence," he said.

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