
Saturday 25 April 2015

Pas-PKR peace, but touched cckeiser

Omar (second from right) with accompanying PR leader Dr Wan Azizah to Penman center PRK constituency.

Omar (second from left) with supporters of PR at the nomination center Permatang Pauh today.

Ko Yao - Ko Yao Pas Dispute with PKR finished last night after the two sides met and agreed to make peace.

Meeting involving PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, who is also Penang PAS commissioner; Penang PAS deputy commissioner Datuk Mohd Salleh Man and the President of the Pas Region Ko Yao, Omar Hassan.

While PKR represented president, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the deputy president, Mohamed Azmin Ali and Penang PKR chairman Datuk Mansor Othman.

Omar said it received approval PKR leaders and members of all Muslims will support the implementation of hudud proposed Pas while non-Muslim leaders who did not support the law.

"Pas Ko Yao satisfied with the proposal and the decision of PKR.

"We consider this issue protracted few days before this is finished and fit Ko Yao will mobilize all its election machinery to help campaign PKR candidate," he told media after accompanying PRK candidates to the nomination center here today.

Asked whether Dr Wan Azizah and Azmin there to apologize and retract as proposed Youth Pass Ko Yao in the region's annual general meeting Sunday last week, Omar declined to comment.

Instead, he said the issue had already been completed and did not arise again gave an ultimatum to stop cooperation or boycott the election campaign PKR.

Previously, the annual general meeting approved the proposal Pas Permatang Pauh PKR leadership urged to make a public apology and retract those who do not support the implementation of the bill related to private hudud.

Omar Hassan said, PKR given up before nomination day to apologize and retract the statement does not support hudud.

According to him, if the PKR agreed and apologized publicly it would continue to cooperate with the party in Permatang Pauh later.

This stand is made and agreed upon by the grassroots because Pas members in the constituency could give victory to the candidates who will contest in the PRK later.

In response, Dr Wan Azizah said PKR leadership will meet Pas Ko Yao to get clarification on this claim because Omar had previously expressed support for PKR to face PRK constituency.

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