
Tuesday 14 April 2015

The issue is not crooked bridge, the question people - Tun M

KUALA LUMPUR: "If because of the crooked bridge that I'm angry, I should be demanded resignation of the Prime Minister before the election in 13."

The recent statements of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir in his blog today to explain his criticism of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.

According to him, the criticism leveled to her not because of the failure of the prime minister continued construction of the crooked bridge to replace the Causeway.

On the other hand, said Dr Mahathir, things raised to Najib - 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu - is the same thing he was questioned by many.

"I can not answer. I asked the person who may be responsible," he wrote.

He added that if the issue of the crooked bridge makes angry, he already demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister before PRU13 again.

"Instead I campaigned for victory Najib. Najib is in Selangor ineffective," he wrote again.

Dr Mahathir also claimed that there was threat if there are those who do not support Najib but insisted support of certain groups does not mean they support 1MDB.

"They are afraid. There is a question I am concerned with 1MDB and ask me to do something. Now there is a threat against anyone who did not state their support for Najib.

"I remembered the thousands of people who brought assembly and told to lift the banner" I love PM "and singing" M4U ". But in GE-13 lost, "he said.

In its latest criticism, the former Umno president also emphasized the question of where the money belongs (1MDB) is still not yet been answered.

"The fact is that money 1MDB there where still unanswered, Dato Sri Najib said the money was not there in the Cayman Islands. But first admitted in the Cayman Islands and was brought back.

"People become more confused. If none of the Cayman Islands, where are you? From where comes the money brought back first half and kept half brought back to Singapore,"

Dr Mahathir also questioned why the money not from the Cayman Islands stored and not used to pay interest RM2 billion.

"Why is the government making credit standing of 900 million," he said.

Dr Mahathir also raised whether an offense if he questioned the attitude of the people who hide money lost.

He said he was accountable to the people even realize alone in raising these issues.

Touching on the issue of murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, Dr Mahathir said he only asked who gave orders to Sirul Azhar Umar.

"I'm not accusing Najib. Usually policemen or soldiers do not shoot unless attacked or killed anyone in my direction.

"This is about human lives. If one strike Sirul. But if the line of duty, according to the order is unfair if Sirul killed," he said.

Last Thursday, he appeared in the draft Q & A published on TV3 and answer the matters addressed by Dr Mahathir.

Through the recorded program, Najib said he had ordered a forensic investigation was conducted on the 1MDB by the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee of the National Fund (PAC).

In addition, Najib also reiterated that he never knew her, and the matter was approved by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM).

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