
Friday 22 May 2015

1MDB: 'Najib, please listen to the advice of Muhyiddin'

SYED ALI: 1MDB: 'Najib, Muhyiddin advice please hear' - files

KUALA LUMPUR: Cheras Umno chief, Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee expressed his disappointment because Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak refused to listen to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to dismiss all members of the board of directors of the country's strategic investment company, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Strictly speaking, this is the best time to consider the recommendations of the prime minister's deputy prime minister that all 1MDB inquiry can be made in a transparent manner and without any subsequent disputes.

"He is now trapped because of alleged irregularities 1MDB worth billions of dollars.

"What is said Muhyiddin said was true, the only way to restore the confidence of the people to the government. Please view this issue seriously, do not let people grieve," he said in a recent note on the blog

Muhyiddin Thursday confirmed that tells Najib to dismiss all members of the board of directors 1MDB.

Muhyiddin said this when commenting on video during a closed meeting with party members who spread a blog.

Syed Ali also explains already expressed the same opinion as Muhyiddin recent weeks.

In the meantime, he said, police should immediately investigate the role and involvement of businessmen Taek Jho Low, better known as Jho Low in 1MDB.

"Much of the evidence identified from the paper report showing its involvement in the financial movements 1MDB.

"Jho Low should be immediately investigated thus proving the sincerity of the government to listen to the call of the people that this issue be resolved," he said.

Previously, MP Chief limit, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican challenging Jho Low not be a coward than immediately returned to the country to face the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Reezal said, Jho Low also asked media openly dared to confront and defend themselves when pushed questions that will be asked reporters.

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