
Friday 22 May 2015

TPM video issue: What is the fuss that arose? - Rahman Dahlan

ABDUL RAHMAN: The only difference of opinion between the PM and DPM that I can see in the video clip, is that the TPM asks Member of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the latest eliminated.

A few days ago raised a great commotion among the country's political commentator.

I did not notice this until I received a commotion internet links shared by friends offered me on WhatsApp, which shows video clips of 7 minutes of the Deputy Prime Minister, when he gave a speech during a training session UMNO division leaders recently.

Video clips sent in space Whatsapp it also came with a comment that claimed TPM clashed views with the Prime Minister on the issue of 1MDB. From there I started realizing all the commotion that arose!

I felt I was watching a video clip of more than 5 times, to determine whether there is any truth to the allegations. However, I do not see much difference of opinion on the issue of PM and DPM 1MBD.

Here are my observations after comparing what was said by the TPM in the video clip and what has PM stated openly before.

First, TPM, said he was worried because 1MDB has become a concern of the people and if it is not resolved in the near future, it will affect the future of the party and the government. If we follow the public statements made by the Prime Minister before, he also expressed a similar review.

Second, TPM said in the video clip that 1MDB requires immediate investigation. The government can not wait any longer. He spoke of the need "to hold the bull by its horns" and I think as well as PM. That is why, we hear PM announces immediate investigation conducted by the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament Malaysia and the investigation must be completed within a few months.

The only difference of opinion between the PM and DPM that I can see in the video clip, is that the TPM asks Member of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the latest eliminated, while the PM took the position that the actions of any individual will only be taken after a thorough investigation by the Auditor General and PAC completed.

While I agree with TPM that with immediate removal of Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors can relieve public concern on this issue, but I'm not sure that if the decision will help speed up efforts to get the real truth.

Usually the first thing done when the CEO and members of the Board of Directors of the new entry, they will ask for more time to understand the issues under their control. How to them to answer any questions if you do not know the end of the base issues.

They may ask for several months to examine all the details and documents before they can understand what is happening and so testify in the ongoing investigation conducted by the Auditor General and the PAC. It's a time consuming process and would be detrimental to slow again, though generally know people want quick answers to issues 1MDB.

In my opinion, to dismiss the Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board may be an option if the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board 1MDB refused to give evidence. But publicly, they say that they will work together and will come forward to give evidence to the Auditor General and PAC investigated.

It should be noted, the CEO now only appointed a few months ago. He was not involved in the controversy 1MDB often been said, and it occurred before he joined the organization 1MDB. I do not know how the dismissal could contribute in the efforts to find the truth.

To be fair to the TPM, he had said in the video clip that was not his intention to show contempt for PM or to demonstrate that they are coherent. Even in the video clip, TPM is said that he respects the PM.

In conclusion, I called back my friend and asked him if trouble arises?

- Source: Media Statement | Updated: May 22, 2015

* Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan was Minister of Welfare, Housing and Local Government and the Member of Parliament for Kota Belud.

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