
Sunday 10 May 2015

"There's a reason I throw shoes at Bush '

BAGHDAD - IRAQ. Arab journalist, Muntadhar al-Zaidi who had created controversy by throwing the shoe toward the former President of the United States (US), George W. Bush appeared to explain the rationale for its actions.

Al-Zaidi said he did this because he felt Bush had made fraud to the people of Iraq, the Russian news agency reported, Anissa Naouai.

"I (al-Zaidi) do so because of the murder of more than 1.5 million Iraqis and five million homeless.

"More than five million children have been orphaned and women widowed five million.

"It is in addition to the theft of Iraq's natural resources, the destruction and disintegration of the country," he said.

In the incident, al-Zaidi stood up when Bush held a press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Malik when making a farewell visit to the Gulf nation in 2008.

When Bush was speaking, suddenly al-Zaidi shouted in Arabic: "This is your farewell kiss, you dog!" And threw the shoes she was wearing.

Meanwhile, when asked, does it do anything spontaneous emotion driven insistence, he refuted it.

"This was planned in advance by me," he said.

As a result of his actions, finally al-Zaidi was sentenced to three years in prison, but was later reduced to one year.

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