
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Already resolved the puzzle Kamal Adli and Emma gives

Since the story appeared and farewell actress Emma Zizan excited Razak said, the name of Kamal Adli said to be the cause of these fractures.

Not only that, some claim as Kamal picked Emma up at the airport and then Kamal is said to bring Emma to meet and get to know his family was scattered.

Further strengthens the claim that they now love relationships, their intimate photos were strewn out along with the social networking site.

However, if before this both more comfortable giving an answer form, Kamal media discovered yesterday at an event to showcase a collection Melinda Looi Kingdom in Kota Damansara, finally resolve puzzles to play since the end of last year.

Recognizing oneself in the process of recognizing the 23-year-old girl, Kamal said it was too early to put any hope in this new relationship.

"What can Kamal said, she is the woman most closely with Kamal at the moment. We share many of the same problems and situations.

"Kamal understand the issues traveled with her as well. So many things are discussed together, maybe that makes us closer.

"But Kamal did not dare to want to say more because this is still a new relationship and what happens in the future does not dare to say anything else.

"Before this I was Kamal going through a very painful thing, and so is she (Emma)," he explained.

However emphatic Kamal, he does not become the cause of a rift Emma and Zizan since they began meeting when Emma started her own.

Kamal admits somewhat worried to talk about our relationship because so many people hit Kamal Kamal and suspected to be the cause.

"But it is absolutely not true as we begin to close after each other," he said.

Just like Kamal, Emma also admitted cozy with actor friends who became known through the drama Bionic.

Asks the fans understand the situation prevailing now, Emma said it was too early to set a target in this relationship.

"Yes, Emma admitted meeting with him, but for the time being in a relationship that we know the person first.

"But Emma banyakbanyak not wanna talk about it because if I do so people will talk about. So let time decide.

"The only thing that Emma ask, do not hit our fans understand the situation occurs because the new Emma in the process of recognizing," he explained.

Asked why he was pleased with Kamal, Emma said Kamal a crazy and they also had one head in some cases.

"Emma is not the kind of control pretty and if we get bored, we both like to play games. In fact, sometimes we like to spend time at the arcade to play games there," he said, now busy acting together through drama dating Kamal Side Door.

Made contact with people?

In the meantime, asked the news that he made contact with people, she said, she did not want to think negatively, even now in the process of treatment.

"Yes, I admit I am troubled skin so I do a blood test, the doctor said my blood is clean. But I think it is probably positive hormonal changes.

"Just a few other things that happened as a disturbed night's sleep and I often see strange things makes me feel uncomfortable." At first I thought I was tired, but the last treatment, the teacher did not tell anyone I was satisfied with.

"So now I just pray, pray and seek. We have no problem to continue," he explained.

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