
Thursday 7 May 2015

Baby died choke fabric hammock

A boy aged 10 months died choke fabric hammock at his family home in Taman Century Garden yesterday. Decorative-image

Clonmel: A baby boy aged 10 months died of crib sheets choke in his family home in Taman Century Garden yesterday.

Deputy police chief of South Johor Baharu, Supt Abdul Wahib said Brian Lim died when his mother wanted to send her child to a clinic near about 4.30pm.

"Before the incident, his mother feed her three children before asking them to go to bed in the main room. The victim is placed in a cloth hammock.

"After that he went into the kitchen doing homework and after, he re-entered the room but found the victim had fallen into the sheath layer fabric hammock with mosquito hanging his head out," said Abdul Wahib, who was contacted by Bernama here today.

He said the panic over the incident, the mother continued to lift her body was found but the victims are no longer engaged.

"He tried to save her by calling an ambulance to the nearest clinic. However, when the ambulance arrived, the victim was already lifeless.

"Her husband, who was working in Singapore has been informed of the incident," said Abdul Wahib.

The body was sent to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital here for the autopsy and the case is being investigated under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001.

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