
Saturday 30 May 2015

Designs Brain, shell fragments scattered on the road

The accident occurred at Kilometer 277.7 LPT II in Cheneh.

KEMAMAN - East Coast Expressway Phase 2 (ECE II) as a way of death to the user when one after another fatal accident occurred.

It was not until a week following a horrific crash Involving four family burnt to death while another died in hospital in the event of LPT II Ajil, Bukit Besi, a horrific accident happened again today.

This occurred at Kilometre 277.7 in Cheneh LPT II left two dead and three wounded.

In the tragic accident at approximately 1:45 pm, the head of one of the victims broke causing pieces of his brain scattered on the road and grass on the highway divider.

According to an employee of the patrol LPT II, ​​Mohd Jeffery Baxter, though he has many times helped the victims of horrific accidents on the highway but this time, his heart was really touched.

"Although I was used to assist victims of horrific accidents, but this time made me feel quite sad.

"Feeling sad when major pieces of shell and brains scattered on the road can not be expressed in words," he said.

The incident occurred when the five victims were traveling in a multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) Naza Ria traveling to Kuala Terengganu.

It is understood that all of them from Shah Alam and heading to Kuala Lumpur for a holiday.

However, when arriving at the scene behind the car carrying tires burst causing the vehicle skidded and turned before three of the victims were thrown out.

As a result, Saiful Nahar Mokhtar, 40, and his friend, Khairuddin Yunus, 41, died immediately at the scene after suffering severe injuries.

While another is thrown, Shahrul Niza Mohamad, 29, also suffered serious head injuries while two friends, Rozaidi Ismail, 41, and Salsuriya Welcome, 41, only minor injuries.

Mohd Jeffery said, when he arrived at the scene saw pieces of bodies not far from the two bodies lying motionless.

Meanwhile, the Acting Chairman of the Kemaman District Police Deputy Superintendent Normansah Din who confirmed the incident, said before the crash occurred MPV carrying the cut Perodua Myvi.

"According to the eyewitnesses, namely Perodua Myvi driver, he saw the smoky rear tires SUV and MPV is fragile when in front of him.

"Following the SUV lost control and skidded, when Chevrolet MPV is believed to be twice hit the iron guard left the highway and the center divider in violation of the highway with three of the victims were thrown out on the street," he said.

He said the three injured victims were rushed to the Kemaman Hospital for treatment while two were killed sent to the Forensic Department of the same hospital for post-mortem.

In the meantime, the atmosphere in the Department of Forensic Medicine turned sad when the brother Saiful Nahar, Fahimi, 28, arrived at the hospital around 5.30 pm.

Fahimi, who works in Gebeng, Kuantan, said he only learned of his brother who lives in Shah Alam was like a vacation to Kuala Terengganu after receiving news of the accident.

"What made me very sad because he had no time to see who will face fourth child was born September," he said.

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