
Saturday 30 May 2015

LUSAKA - ZAMBIA. The country borders Zambia and Zimbabwe

LUSAKA - ZAMBIA. The country borders Zambia and Zimbabwe, there is a pool which is very 'creepy'. So much so that it became known as the 'Devil Swimming Pool (Pool Satan).

It is known that because the pool was considered the most dangerous in the world. Imagine that! Mini natural pool is located right at the 'lip' waterfall Victoria and has a height of 128 meters and an area of ​​1,708 square meters.

The pool was formed as a result of water erosion in the area, so as to form a circle to make it a mini natural pool.


In the rainy season, tourists are prohibited to bathe swim in the pool, because the level is too dangerous.

However, during the dry season, between September to December, the water is quite low. That's when the pool is used for swimming. It is possible that travelers 'suicide' to swim in the pool even though the risk is very high and dangerous.

For travelers are reminded of the dangers of the area, and steps should be emphasized careful to keep them safe.


This fall was gazetted as a national park in the two countries where it is known as a National Park, 'Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe.

While locals call this waterfall by the name Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning 'the smoke that was jarring, because of the heavy flow of water that seems to form a group of thick white smoke.

Victoria Falls name given by David Livingstone, an explorer from Scotland country. According to National Geographic, in 1855, Livingstone "discovered" this waterfall.

Because so fascinated by the beauty of this waterfall, then Livingstone gave the name Victoria.

Victoria's name is taken from the name of Queen Victoria, the Queen of England, who was then colonize Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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