
Tuesday 11 August 2015

In the case of public indecency former model fit to stand trial

April 23, Jalan Petaling Persana alleged here in a chicken rice shop stripped in public.
KUALA LUMPUR: The magistrate's court today on charges of public indecency charge a former model that was able to stand trial.

Magistrate Nur'Aminahtul Mardiah Md Nor April Persana Sollunda, 33, where it was referred to a mental hospital for observation Tanjung Rambutan, by its decision based on the report.

January 11 for the next year is set to three days.

April 23, Jalan Petaling Persana alleged here in a chicken rice shop stripped in public.

Charged under Section 294 (a) of the Penal Code, the sentence, three months or a fine, or both carries a maximum prison sentence.

Kelvin Tan lawyer accused was represented by the deputy public prosecutor Svetlana Noor Mohammad Noor Nordin prosecuted.

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