
Friday 28 August 2015

Merdeka Center: 70% Malay About Bersih 4.0

FOR the first time in history, the Bersih 4.0 rally reportedly failed to attract the support of the community made a study of the results of an independent survey agency during the friendly opposition, Merdeka Center.

Through the collection of perceptions conducted by the agency, 70 percent of French respondents objected to the organization of street demonstrations without a permit, which is said to claim the election free and fair.

Transparent Merdeka Center poll results far different from pro-opposition vote a portal known when claiming the Malays strongly support Bersih 4.0 with projections of over 50 per cent agreed.

Ironically, the survey article then reported 'invisible' after Merdeka Center survey reports aired by all the local news portal on Friday afternoon, involving more than 1,000 respondents.

The study was contrary to international ranking agency showed that 81 percent of Chinese support the collection of illegal rigid while the Indians had only 51 percent support against Bersih 4.0.

Read: 'People soon! Avoid Bersih 4.0, Obey Your Leaders
Overall, only 43 percent of respondents agreed with the organization of anti-government protests that program while a majority of 47 per cent is clearly objected to the illegal gathering.

"This event was different from the three previous Net series because it is expected to attract the participation of non-natives of the city and an avid user of virtual pages," the statement Merdeka Center.

Vote through local social media also found, the community tried to stay away from Bersih 4.0 aftershock strict instructions from PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to all its members.

During the three-time series with supporters of Bersih more rigid fit, but with the party for 'hostile' to the DAP, Bersih 4.0 is expected to see less involvement anti-government ethnic Malays.

This resulted in the DAP had to work hard to incite non-Malays join Bersih including promoting many sexy girls even given a stern warning by the authorities.

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