
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Conversion to Islam almost 1,000 people a year in Singapore

SINGAPORE - For those who've been to Singapore may have heard of a local group called the Movement of French Apostate Singapore or also known as Christianity Malays Association (MCA).

Organizations 'underground' the rumor is also active in spreading their propaganda to attract Muslims, especially the young Malays out of liberal Islam is practiced since birth.

To fool the public, the group said Indonesia still retains its original name and for women, they still wear the headscarf, but at the same time calls on people to preach Islam for apostasy.

There may be doubted that, but in Singapore it is not a secret that the government of the republic had witnessed 'divide' the Malays into two groups whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

Recognizing the concerns of Muslims in the island nation since the 1970s, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) to create another party, namely Muslim Converts Association of Singapore in 1980.

The missionary organization ever ride in several office lease before then buying an old supermarket and former Galaxy cinema complex to be used as permanent headquarters of the organization.

When Singapore was a mufti called Darul Arqam MCAS as a reference the first person to embrace Islam in Mecca in the early days of the Prophet Muhammad, but makes his home missionary center.

Today MCAS also synonymous known as Darul Arqam by Singaporeans (Note: Do not misunderstand the cult of prominent Al-Arqam that was banned by the Malaysian government in the early 1990s).

On 10 October, the Darul Arqam hosted an open house and it has also launched a special online application, which is also known as 'Islam4All' to celebrate its anniversary 35th.

Application means "Islam for all" that contains all the video recordings of lectures organized Darul Arqam since 1990 until this year, and can be downloaded via the Apple smartphone and Android gadgets.

In addition, as a welcome birthday, Darul Arqam exhibition revealing scientific achievements and cultural aspects of Islamic civilization from all over the world and it is open to all visitors.

The aim is to encourage people, regardless of race and religion, to better know the "beauty" of Islam which may be unknown, said Vice President of Corporate Affairs Darul Arqam, Tahir Abdul Jalil.

He said he even tried to spread awareness about Islam as a religion for all people since the establishment of the center through a variety of programs in addition to disseminating correct information about Islam.

According to the association, was quoted by the state-owned local station, Channel NewsAsia, the number of visitors who want to learn and converted to Islam in the MCAS has increased since its inception.

On average, during the 1980s, the number of converts or new converts were about 400 people a year before increasing in the 1990s around 500 people a year and after the 2000s, it reached 600 people a year.

Now the number of registered Muslim believers not embrace Islam in Darul Arqam is an average of more than 700 people a year since 2010 and it is expected to be up to 1,000 people per year by 2020..

If this positive trend continues, thus making Islam the fastest growing religion in Singapore quickly, but it will 'solve' the Christian to become the second largest religion after Buddhism practiced.

For the record, so far there are 71 mosques across Singapore and it is growing so crowded that whenever any religious activities including prayers, to 216 churches but less welcome.

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