
Thursday 20 November 2014

Queen of Dangdut Asef explanation of issues open the lid now he's back

KL: I do not want to issue  a veiled or personal affairs be used for publicity or misleading ostensibly to gain sympathy, my reality is not covered yet

It answers a famous dangdut singer Asef on allegations he had opened the lid as in some of the pictures that spread on social media, recently.

Asef real name Norazlina Saiffuddin Amir, 40, were found Harian Metro today said the chaos that arises in social media recently alleged she was not veiled erupted as a misunderstanding.

"At this age, I do not need to pretend to be covered solely to grab people's attention. More importantly our actions should be in line with the intentions and sincerity.

"But I do not deny the need to be strong and courageous in the face of changes in the world of entertainment today, especially in the era of social media and continue to expand," he said.

Love the singer will be active again in the singing after a 15 year hiatus reliable as controversial marriage in 1999.

Asef, which now has six children from marriages with Reduan Mahamood, disappeared from the entertainment industry when his career was at a peak following the controversy some personal issues.

Since then, Asef keep silence and avoid media encountered.

Talk about a comeback, Asef said, the issues behind the sudden disappearance of the peak of his career when in 1999 is a matter that is too personal to be shared.

"It's not going to the story or not, but I have to respect the privacy of the family and many other people. When you reach this age, every movement, and given the fact that my son has to take into consideration the environmental.

"In my life there is not only the children and families, but many others that I have to respect their hearts. So the best course of action is to not tell any thing that has ever happened before," he said.

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