
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Really kissed his wife not to faint smell of paradise?

That she is married to read this information lectures in mosques marriage courses abroad.  In a paper discussing issues of manners with their spouses after marriage.

What speakers say is that anyone who kisses her genitals or suaminya..maka they will not ever be able to smell heavenly.

Looks participants who came whispering among themselves .. to relieve their anxiety is the speaker said:

Speaker: "No ape-ape questions before I proceed to our morning lectures ya ...?"

Build a male participant who wear a cap. Killing as a cleric of how to use it ... move to mic available ...

Participant: "I ********* of **** ... refers to the fact that ... ust associated with genital kiss law does not"

Speaker: "iye..silakan ..."

Participant: "I studied at the **** ... I read in the book of commentary ade Ahkam ibn arabi..mengatakan need to kiss your wife or partner pubic each culture not only in terms of how beautiful again sake only the husband was only allowed to make so that others can not create .. Perhaps ust ust explain again why it should not be made so, and why is not allowed in heaven ....? "

Visually, the way people think differently ... Basically the participants ... Looks nice when participants were nodding to show he wanted to know more.

Speaker: "sedara do not understand ... I greetings JAP was talk that the couple kiss genital illegal! I'm not talking about ... ade who recorded my lectures? I said Ade illegal? Needless de .. I got word not go to heaven ... my wife said no odor pubic smell heaven ... if our Yela isteri..bau genital genital kiss jelah ... .. "

Relax .. Do not just there that feels yer Sigh ....

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