
Monday 4 May 2015

Two fatal fall from a theme park game

ZHEJIANG - CHINA. Two people were killed and three others were injured after falling from a game at a theme park in Zhenjiang province Pingyang.

Five of Aojing Town and Shanmen Town in Wenzhou thrown out of the game "Crazy Scream" in Longshan Theme Park in Wenzhou on Friday.

According to reports Weibo, two of the visitors, Chen and Zhou died at the Hospital Pingyan while two others injured known as Li and Chen were treated while another victim, Xu lightly injured and were allowed to return.

Meanwhile, according to local media, the three victims were seen falling during the game moving while the two others are believed infected objects that fall.

Witnesses claimed that the switch is turned on before the game all the passengers had to wear belts and watch where the victim fell from a height of 3 meters.

According to a statement from the Office of Emergency Management Pingyang, there are "problems" identified in the theme park, where on 22 April, six government officials were carrying out an inspection.

The theme park is now closed and the owner had been detained.

Further investigation of the incident is still ongoing.

Last month, 19 injured after playing on "Flying Saucer" collapsed at a party in the province of Henan.

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