
Monday 4 May 2015

Dr Maher & Johnny made a movie

NEW Recently, I had to dig several boxes containing old newspaper cuttings in my store. Indeed, habits and hobbies I love to keep materials on art and entertainment news homeland in the form of press clippings. There are also magazines and movie entertainment time I save. In addition to these materials, I also gathered the papers presentations and debates, seminars, forums and symposiums related to the art of home entertainment, especially movies.

I rummage in the old materials, I came across a paper re-thinking debate on the results of the late Dr Anuar Nor Arai entitled Towards Quality Enhancement Film Industry Malaysia presented the late Dr Maher at Ramada Rennaissance Hotel, Melaka Malaysia Film Festival Symposium in conjunction with the 7th on December 5, 1987.

Malaysia Film Festival 7th (FM7) the first time held in their country of birth I had a personal history of its own for myself. FM7 the second film in the direction I, Rozana Love 87 were also contested for all categories.
I was nominated for Best Screenplay Award, Best Art Arrangement and Best Director. But I have rejected all nominations involving myself. But I did not stop the running-another nomination for the film Rozana Love Bade Azmi 87. Nominations for best cameraman category and nomination Erma Fatima Hussaini Hilmi, Bibiana Layola for best actor and actress and other categories are continuing.

I did this when I was in protest against the Finas. I've been waiting for clarification from the Finas and the organizers of the refusal at the end of the nomination of the first film directed by me, Adventure street artists at Malaysian Film Festival which took place 6th year earlier. Up to that point I still had not received an official explanation from Finas about the reasons for rejection of the movie Adventures of street artists.

After that, I act so break the door Finas Finas anger over the failure to explain that I had demanded. Last year I wrote in this column about why I was raging until I broke the door mirror when it Finas. I honestly say that I actually was tired, angry with wide-open and without a hands-off attitude is responsible Finas time.

I dissatisfaction and protests continue in PFM 7th. As always until now, almost 30 years I still did not get an explanation why the film Adventures of street artists in the PFM 6. The PFM 7th, I only attended the symposium program only. I'm not interested to attend the opening and closing nights.

Why do I suddenly induce back to back in 1987? Paper debate of the late Dr Anuar Nor Arai has saved me almost 30 years old and it made me think of the late. Al-Fatiha for his soul.

I know and he never interacted with in the early stages when I ventured into feature film directing. I'm uncomfortable with the attitude and his rebel attitude. As a critic, researcher analyst movies, he was always obsessed seek to advance the reform of the country filming.

Dr. Maher also is one of our group besides Johan Jaafar (Chairman of Media Prima now), Mansor Puteh (director and film critic), Zarul Al Bakri (director and producer of the film), Hassan Al-Muttalib (film researcher, animator and writer), Hanafi A Samad and Eugene KB (entertainment reporter) and myself included. We often hold discussions and movie discussion forum called The Corner Series Enhanced Dialogue Writer, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka at the end of the 80s.

Dr Anuar Nor Arai Who is this?

Dr Maher was born on August 6, 1943 in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. On January 20, 2010 at the age of 66 years, Dr Anuar died from complications of the heart and lungs.

He is the son of Malaysia's first Malay to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in film from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles with his doctoral thesis titled The Souls Journey: The Verbal And Visual Quests Of The Metaphysical Theatre And Film.

Filming a lecturer at the University of Malaya and her early retirement in December 1996 before becoming a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). Dr Maher joined the Academy of Art and Culture and National Heritage (Aswara) with his last position he held was the Deputy Rector.

When the name of the late Dr Anuar single movie is definitely his command, Johnny Gone Films will hit the minds of each of those who know and recognize him. Especially to students and filmmakers and film activists of his generation in the country, or even the new generation - Dr Maher That's why Johnny and Johnny Dr Maher, and filmmakers.

I dare say - regardless of race and ethnicity, if you do not know who Dr Anuar Nor Arai and the work of art and you do not deserve the title of filmmaker in this country!

Johnny Gone Movie Movie issues should be directed to the University of Malaya in 1992. The film is the first French film noir film concept. Film noir is a cinematic term for the crime drama genre film Hollywood-style, which emphasizes the cynicism and sexual motivation. This genre began the early 1940s until the late 1950s. The films of this era using cinematographic style low key lighting - lighting is low, faint, dim and dark in black and white visual form.

Johnny Gone movie film creates its own history. This is the first Malay film lasts five and a half hours. The film is also unique because history has until now been aired publicly.

He has produced 72 scripts in a variety of mediums for film, TV and theater. Among scripting tv drama Dr Anuar is Din Dan Miyoto directions U-Wei Saari and Bukit Lalang Mior Hashim Manap direction. Both directors have succeeded in showing the photography and art direction of interest to both copies of the paper Dr Anuar this.

Theater drama scripts of his works, Tok Selampit won the National Literature Award in 1986 and represented Malaysia in the Asean 1 Theatre Festival in Manila in 1988.

What interesting issues presented by Dr Maher in a debate titled paper - Towards Quality Enhancement Film Industry Malaysia at the Malaysian Film Festival Symposium 7th of December 5, 1987?

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