
Sunday 14 June 2015

New treatments, promotes weight loss, prevents bone loss

GLP-1 hormone that your bones become fragile and prone to fracture prevention has been found in the intestine that can.

A little-known fact about the weight loss of bone mass that often goes with it, but scientists using hormones to trick claimed to have discovered a way.

GLP-1 is a hormone that is found in the intestine, according to the study, due to high speed or large weight loss from your bones become fragile and prone to fracture prevention, not only can, but also stable blood can help maintain sugar levels.

Already used to treat type 2 diabetes is, liraglutide, is an example of a hormone GLP-1 analog.

is, "says Dr. Eva Win Jepsen from the University of Copenhagen.

GLP-1 analog liraglutide and half of the participants who had not been treated with a control group - the study, researchers from eating a low-calorie diet lost 12 kg was observed that 37 women participants.

During the year, the research team repeated dietary advice given to them, maintain their weight loss help for women.

They gain weight, they eat a low calorie powder as the two were asked to substitute.

When the year was over, all the participants had maintained their weight loss, low-calorie fare, but with the control group by replacing one meal per day was done.

"Liraglutide group, the reason for the inhibition of appetite kept their weight loss did not need to do it," Copenhagen University, said study author Signe Sorenson Torekov Relaxnews.

On the flipside, the control group in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism of the study, which was published, the lost bone mass.

"Menopausal women have an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures," Torekov says.shows that you can lose weight. "

The study, especially for women, GLP-1 analogues which have important implications for the treatment of obesity with.

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