
Sunday 14 June 2015

Secretary of Penang Pas been working

GEORGETOWN - DAP-PAS crisis deepened when Penang Pas secretary who served as Information Officer Grade S41 in the state government work force was laid off last Friday.

Notice dated 12 June from the Secretary of State's Office has been delivered by hand to Mohd Fadzil Kemi who served as Information Officer for the Office of the Chief Minister of Penang.

State Secretary, Datuk Seri Farizan Darus confirming such notice was confident that the notice was received by Mohd Fadzil last Friday as she was sent by hand.

"Notice of termination of the service into operation on June 12, 2015 with the payment of one month's salary to replace a notice in accordance with clause 9, the contract was sent to Mohd Fadzil," he told Bernama when contacted here today.

He said that within a year contract agreement signed on December 12 last year, either party can terminate the contract without any reason.

While the effort to get feedback from Mohd Fadzil who also sits on the board Zakat Pulau Pinang, failed because he could not be reached.

Yesterday, the Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng said in a statement have urged the new leadership to steer fit to withdraw its representatives.

He said it was illogical new leadership Pas still trying convoluted that they were still discussing the proposal to sever ties with DAP, when the proposal was "unacceptable" without debate and "not consulted" by the Congress party.

Lim said three government representatives in Pas Pas, namely Mohamad Sabu, Mujahid Yusof Rawa and his Hussain had put all their positions in the state government of Penang.

DAP-Pas crisis occurred after Pas Ulama Council unanimously passed an emergency motion to sever ties with DAP in the Annual Congress passes the 61st without debate, however, will continue tahaluf siyasi or political co-operation in the opposition.

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