
Thursday 16 July 2015

600-year-old coin found in Kenya

Old beauty and also goals.

Chinese Coin from 1403 to 1425 is known to have been released, and the Emperor Yongle, the Ming Dynasty had been named leader.

Nearly 600 years old, recently a Chinese Coin on an island just off the coast of Kenya was detected. Like a Christopher Columbus East - - came to this part of Africa, it proves to be authentic, the coin can show the Chinese explorer Zheng He.

"The result is that we Africa has always been linked to the rest of the world know. It's important, but the coin between China and the countries of the Indian Ocean opens a debate about the relationship," the Chicago Field Museum archaeologist Kusimba Chapurukha M said in a statement.

Copper and silver disk possibly be worn on a belt in a square hole in the center is. Kusimba this slow, about 200 miles northeast of Mombasa in Kenya hugs the coast of an island that was found on the first day of the excavation, told LiveScience. Kusimba Sloan R. Williams of the University of Illinois at Chicago and lead study site, a joint venture spent last December through February.

Coin issued 1425 to 1403, and China has started construction of the Forbidden City Emperor Yongle, the Ming Dynasty had been named leader. This time, slow as a trading post was nearing the end of his reign. In 1430, the island was abandoned and resettled. [Photos: 10 rarest US coins]

Kusimba coin island Zheng He, a Chinese naval commander who rose to the Court was visited by the eunuchs could prove believes. Emperor Yongle Chinese commercial and political influence of land bordering the Indian Ocean and to increase Zheng sent several ambitious journey.

"Zheng He in many ways, was China's Christopher Columbus," Kusimba said. "It finally came to Kenya could prove to have a coin that is great."

Researchers in the Field Museum in Chicago, where chemical analysis is going through, Coin Kenya's government was allowed to export. "We actually just a government issue a fake instead want to be sure that," Kusimba LiveScience reported.

"In sub-Saharan Africa it is one of the oldest sites in Africa, Europe and Asia and with very informing us about the early relationship is going," Kusimba said.

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