
Thursday 16 July 2015

Yikess! 3 new giant cockroach species found

Since the Cockroaches crawling on the earth before the time of dinosaurs have been known to science today more than 4,500 species. Researchers are adding three more to list.

He found his new family giant cockroach (Blaberidae) fall into the yellow body with some creature smaller than their cousins ​​- they compared with Blaberus giganteus, grown an inch in length (3 cm) than I grow a little more, for example, 4 inches (10 cm) in length, which can reach.

Recently discovered bugs to be found in China's first jeans Pseudophoraspism, the researchers say. Until now, that just never cockroach genus of North Vietnam, was documented in Southeast Asia.

"We Pseudophoraspis jeans range which extends to the north, respectively, Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi province, China, found three new species," China's Southwest University entomologist Zongqing Wang, said in a statement.

New species - Pseudophoraspis clavellata, Pseudophoraspis recurvata and Pseudophoraspis incurvata are named - that the statement was made this week in the journal ZooKeys.

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