
Thursday 16 July 2015

PM offers announced by Pakatan civil service pay and perks to top

This benefits both parties are trying to entice people with the sounds. Earlier, the BN government, today announced an increase in public sector salaries and allowances that had been expected.

Reported TheMalaysian insider:

KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 - In an unprecedented move, PAS Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) promised by the Prime Minister on any match and will improve to entice employees saying by Datuk Seri Najib Razak before a last-minute campaign Moved to plan ahead, to raise salaries and allowances.

Najib including a pay rise of 10 per cent steps, the 1.5 million-strong civil service allowance and housing allowance for living expenses is expected to announce better.

"PAS central committee met and Putrajaya for Pakatan Rakyat runs from the Prime Minister made the announcement has taken the stand that will continue," PAS deputy president Datuk Husam Musa to be the party Harakah Daily Online said in a statement carried by.

The three measures of teachers, customs officers, police, military and all other government employees, including the civil service for the promotion of goodies, to improve on the first one, to be done by PR given.

Husam said he will be there to ensure that the financial implications of a review of existing loans can absorb.

The initiative to review and reduce the salaries of civil servants and who was to increase the tax allowance for Malaysia, he said.

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