
Friday 30 October 2015

Kamal Adli not know the real reason, dropping names regrets

General conclusions from the movie Abang Long Fadil abortion Kamal Adli know rumors and who plays the main character in the fictional screen of Zizan Razak, is due.

However, a misunderstanding, as the case was settled himself Zizan. The comedian also dismissed allegations perfection former lover, Emma Maembong envy perfection of close ties with the resulting friction caused dropped because it was called.

In fact, the publisher Datuk Kamal Adli Yusof Haslam to avoid conflict between the two actors in the film has been left out.

Instead of making statements that situation will increase the choice to remain silent, amazing about the conflict appeared to give his explanation.

Zizan role in the film as a side kick in the role of Adam, perfection, he did not know the reasons which dropped from production is able to adapt to their involvement.

The real reason is because they do not know why I dropped out of the movie "Frankly, I do not know. But thanks, I'm lazy to enhance the story. There is no provision in touch," he said.

"For me, it still may be discussed again. However, the decision had already been made and I accept even slightly affected."

The production schedule for the film a year ago on an empty slot to add that it was asked, so obviously it was a shock to the news.

The result is surprised by her abortion, Syamsul Yusof Kamal Shafiq and his character can be turned off to see this is unlikely to accept.

"They (the kind and Syamsul) and there to meet me informed, and I understand. I have to be professional."

Meanwhile, the perfection of his relationship with the first issue of Zizan revealed before.

"Zizan relations with, we only co-workers, set out we were not in direct contact.

"I'm looking for a meal in the industry, so I do not want any bad conditions," Kamal told to stop talking again.

Nevertheless, the Malaysian entertainment industry is very small, then met in the same place as well to any change.

Better with industry yedak, so a thriving career separate from each other to support?

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Indonesia won NAT GEO face forward!

After considering the issue for months mist, their magazine issue in a way to adopt a forward cover of National Geographic Indonesia magazine publication in November 2015 of them won only once.

The magazine is the official color of the yellow cover, the editorial "Excuse me. There are no images beautifully on climate change. We can survive?" Written.

Mist still badly its neighbors, including Malaysia and Singapore, Indonesia is hit.

In the past, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Widodo the Joko Widodo or solve the problem, to prevent the burning of fields and forests to three years.

5 different models face prison

Average communities, modeling and advertising industry in general will be pelaris on their assets.

Gus selalunya people brave and beautiful face stem sesetengah time provision should be advantages in this field.

However, that is used to manage assets and benefits so it is a waste.

Just like the country out of 5 prisoners, they all face the famous model but used properly.

Jom from below with a look on their faces.

Gambling should be held that these prisoners live models photographed, but they finally get a chance to shine in the wrong.

, It behind the iron curtain, elegant and charming looks should not be stopped, otherwise the international leading fashion brands to be on the front page of a magazine.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Vape batteries Burned In Flight Air

PUTRAJAYA - Passengers and flight crew Air anxious moments after the battery vape or electronic cigarettes belonging to a passenger suddenly caught fire.

The incident at about 6.45pm yesterday came after the Boeing 737-800 took off from Kota Kinabalu were to klia2.

Sepang district police chief ACP Abdul Aziz Ali, said the fire occurred while the passenger is watching a video on the display screen in his seat.

"In the midst of watching a sudden vape battery in a bag that is on the man's thighs burned.

"A fire that caused him minor injuries in the thigh and left arm, but was treated immediately by another passenger who happened to be a doctor," he said.

Abdul Aziz said the crew managed to quickly control the fire and the plane safely landed at KLIA 2 at 8:44 pm.

He said the man then made a police report immediately on landing.

However no complaints were received from the Air so far over the incident.

Friday 23 October 2015

Prime Minister Landscape Miscellaneous Budget 2016 incentives

Kuala Lumpur - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the stock market, encourage foreign investment to stimulate various concessions, certainly that is balanced and practical a budget.

Budget 2016 infrastructure projects and which opens great opportunities for construction companies ringgit, certainly in a difficult external environment in the business sector will promote long-term effort that involves billions.

Najib, who is also Finance Minister, also in Cyberjaya, the KLIA Aeropolis City RM320 million to RM7.0 billion in Sarawak rubber, can spark and improve corporate activities all of which RM11 billion project cyber city center announced, Bumiputera including sector.

Worth RM900 million through strategic public and private Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Tun Razak aviation traffic in major projects in the project, of course, is good news for construction firms.

The venture capital and private equity funds in addition to the RM500 million allocation, Khazanah Nasional Bhd's nine countries in various fields to implement high-impact projects that invest RM6.7 billion House told.

And benefits to attract more private investment, including Sabah and Sarawak states, were enjoyed by to be sure, RM142 million worth RM20 million, Sandakan, Sabah, Sarawak and palm oil jetty in the Samalaju Industrial Park has been allocated for development.

In addition, RM42 million Akure Melaka airport feasibility study will be undertaken to expand the runway and airport upgrading the Kuantan and Kota Bharu Airport Mukah in Sarawak will be spent to develop.

Budget, including the sharp fall in crude oil prices Peoples, as a very difficult economic circumstances, serving in 2015 as compared to RM267.2 billion from RM260.7 billion, the amended provisions to supply better quality of life create "themed, global economic slowdown and depreciation of ringgit.

However, the goods and services tax (GST) be a lifesaver for the implementation of the 90 per cent GST compliance, representing more than 400,000 companies increase revenues through efficient tax regime turned out to be.

The opposition parties shamelessly yet, it criticized the GST GST is passed in their budget documents.

Through development expenditure, RM30.1 billion total economic sector, will receive the largest share.

For next year, the central government revenues RM225.7 billion, an increase of 2015 compared to RM3.2 billion is estimated.

The focus, chemical, electrical and electronic products, machinery and equipment, aerospace and medical device industries and services sectors will be on.

"In this, RM730 million under the Malaysian Investment Development Authority for funding is allocated," he said.

The GDP contribution to RM218.6 billion from RM112.2 billion public investment stimulated by an increase in private investment and support, is estimated at 26.7 percent next year doemstik investment activities, will be accelerated.

Dewan Rakyat, the administration's leadership after his seventh budget to the Budget 2016, Najib, who is dressed in a purple eggplant Malay.

The 2016 budget is a manifestation of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan, Malaysia a high-income economies to transform the budget is the first in a series of budget.

Of GDP in 2020, which will account for 41 percent of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in order to survive, they provide soft loans of RM200 million for the SME Bank SMEs, including the establishment of the Technology Transformation Incentive Fund proposed rate of 4.0 percent.

The December 31, 2017, as the law will provide SME financing schemes RM1.0 billion, he said.

Moreover, SMEs RM50,000 for each year of assessment to bear the costs of R & D projects, automatically doubled for 2018 tax assessment year 2016 is eligible.

Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation promotion, RM35 million for entrepreneurship and innovation as a regional center, was dedicated to magic, and RM30 million this global community entrepreneurship, Ark, great, 1MET, National Innovation Competition and coding various youth programs to implement pilot projects in schools.

Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Ministry to make the region a competitive technology center will allocate RM1.5 billion.

Najib, exports and government to strengthen the economy 1Malaysia Promotion Programme, Export Services Fund and the Export Promotion Fund for the implementation of RM235 million to provide support to MATRADE will increase.

Matrade and SME Corp. also export goods and services to SMEs and mid-stage companies will increase.

Commercial transactions in local banks to diversify the use of foreign currency credit swap rngt- REMINBI Bank Negara Malaysia will provide, he said.

Meanwhile, Najib Malaysia six agreements and seven bilateral agreements in the regional free trade agreements covering 13 is signed.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), to the Prime Minister had agreed in principle, but the final decision will be made by Parliament.

TPPA 800 million to US $ 27.5 trillion GDP with the population of all 12 countries, Malaysia will open more markets and new opportunities.

In the design of appropriate policies in the current economic situation, Najib government continued food production by 2020, said proposed several tax incentives.

Equal to the amount of their investment in incentives will receive a tax deductible investment in a subsidiary undertaking which is a food production company.

Companies that implement new production projects 100 percent income tax exemption for 10 years will be given.

Najib government to boost the construction sector such as industrial building system (IBS) as the adoption of technology has been encouraging companies to increase.

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) broadband projects in rural areas will provide for RM1.2 billion, infrastructure, national fiber backbone, high-speed broadband and submarine cable systems, the communication infrastructure to improve.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Exams most in life

Mohd Mubassyir help his father, Ustad Yeh who has not fully recovered and need assistance to enable him walking sticks.

BACHOK - "I saw a dust storm from the second floor of a prayer just before the crane collapse." Story Mat Deris Mohd Noor, 62, affectionately called Ustaz Yehyang injured in the tragedy crane collapsed at the Grand Mosque in Makkah in September.

He said that during the incident, he had just finished praying Asr before heard a loud bang on the outside of the mosque and noticed his head injured by stones.

"I could see strong winds and rain had just dropped. Suddenly a loud crash and my head touched the stone ruins of the possible consequences. After that I lost consciousness until at King Abdul Aziz Hospital.

"My wife came along I did not even know where. My life is the biggest test I feel. You need patience to all those involved in this tragedy, "he said.

The second worry is still fresh in the memory is shared with the Daily Herald when met at his residence in Ain Cherang Sepulai yesterday.

Yeh told Rick newly arrived safely at his home after arriving from Jeddah International Airport Terengganu Sultan Mahmud.

In the tragedy Rick Yeh suffered head injuries and a fractured thigh. His head was suffering from a dozen stitches and inserted iron thighs, while his wife sustained minor injuries.

"Thank God we were able to make the pilgrimage to the good, although some people like to have to wage stoning the Devil in Mina.

"Though I can prayer after that because we need to pray alone in the room, we were pleased with this test and we are very grateful to come home safely," he said, three weeks in the hospital.

For this period, the teacher Yeh should undergo periodic inspection in hospital as there were still iron in his thighs.

His eldest son, Mohd Mubassyir, 30, said she was grateful for his parents' safe return and a special feast held yesterday.

"We are grateful to all of them survived to the accompaniment of the prayers of all relatives, friends and children of fathers of pupils. We make a brief thanksgiving feast to celebrate their immediate return of our parents, "he said.

It is understood that this is a pilgrimage Rick Yeh seventh when she used the pilgrimage every year while studying in Saudi Arabia from 1978 to 1983.

Stumble when having sex

SEGAMAT - As a result of panic stumble upon a policeman, couples who are making love in a car near the Kilometer 5 Highway Kuantan-Segamat, here, acts to drive about 20 kilometers in a semi-nude.

Segamat district police chief Supt Mohd Kamil Sukarmi said the incident happened at about 11pm on Thursday, they received a call laypeople who saw a car in suspicious circumstances.

"After receiving the call, two members of the Patrol Unit (URB) heading to the area and found a Proton Wira in an ignition parked near a bush.

"The police then approached the car and saw a couple are making love with both the driver and front passenger seat recline," he said.

According to him, members of the URB is then knocked car several times and they were surprised trying to escape by driving away, but was followed members.

He said the car lovers heading towards Jalan Buloh Kasap before entering Lake Alai for over Jementah before it was intercepted and detained at Kilometer 8-Jementah Segamat.

"Car lovers are driven dangerously contribute to a motorcycle URB members suffered little damage when shifted to the suspect's car.

"The pair then stopped the car lover on suspicion of running out of oil before being taken to police headquarters (IPD) Segamat," he said.

He said the couple, aged 17 and 22 years to be remanded for four days for further investigation and refer the case to the Department of Islamic Affairs Segamat.

Beat, ask RM1,000 as dirty car?

RECORDING of a man slapping a car wash service workers went viral on social media after today.

The video was uploaded to Facebook to say a man who allegedly hit a worker is a citizen of Bangladesh as the vehicle enters the customer and charged pollute it.

"Maybe bangla tu shabby dirty and despicable," wrote a sailor's Facebook page.

Not quite the hit, the worker is required to pay RM1,000 for sitting and staining of the car when the windows.

According to the browser, causing the workers would blow the bloody and had to seek treatment at the clinic.

"The clinic said fracture / severe swelling and refer the hospital," wrote the browser again.

The partnership browser limelight over 33,000 social and attract more than 16,000 comments condemning the vehicle owner.

"Expensive to hire him? If the price of RM1 million cars, others. Police Report !," said Sam.

"No need to pretend anymore. If you like, why go where bangla work? Why not try a high class?" Angah angry.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Woman's body found floating in the river from Kota Tinggi

Mercy victim's husband, Abdul ASID Etae, Thailand has been identified by a citizen.

From KOTA Tinggi: near here, at the end of the Sungai Kampung Makam by the public was found floating bloated stomach, the body of a woman.

Kota Tinggi district police chief Supt mercy from Osman, who was believed to have drowned victim, 10.35am in, fully clothed passer-by, was found.

Taman Sri Damansara victim of Abu Khadija, 49, was identified as from Kota Tinggi, he said in a statement.

"If the body was taken from Kota Tinggi Hospital and an autopsy found the cause of death was drowning," he said.

Mercy victim's husband, Abdul ASID Etae, Thailand has been identified by a citizen.

"Identification of clothing, an anklet and a blue hair worn by the victim was on the scarf," he said.

The investigation also revealed that the victim had a history of mental illness that.

The case was classified as sudden death, Mercy said.

Mexico Earth dangerous for women?

Guerrero, Mexico, among the victims of a murder that occurred.

GUERRERO - Mexico. Police found the body of her mother without a head is, Shilin Quinones and Guerrero, Mexico knew that countless fatherless orphans.

Quinones also her mother, that was one of the hostages auxiliary Nava know and drug trafficking were rampant in the neighboring Guerrero.

Nava Mexico, Ahuacuotzingo located in the mountains is a candidate for mayor of a city.

The influence of drug cartels and criminals after vowing to rid the city, Nava, kidnapped, raped, tortured and was beheaded.

11 Mar, Nawa loss drug gangs abducted outside her body dumped in the open group that remembers when.

His body was covered with a cloth on which was spray-painted "Anyone who is not connected with us will be."

An international portal informed about his ordeal, "the police on his hands with a birthmark had denounced her mother's body without my mother kepalanya.Saya bodies that can not be said, "Quinones said.

Quinones, 19, drug cartels took place in his house had everything to lose control.

Francisco Quinones, who served as mayor of the city of his father, nine months before the murder of her mother was killed with a gun.

Since a few years before his brother disappeared 'while it is said, first in 2012 by drug gangs believed kidnapped.

Committed a murder on his parents, residents in the area Quinones and her sister, Vanessa Syndicate believe that the next target might be.

"Women lost and dying every day from this place. My mother was one of the thousands of other victims," ​​he said.

National Urban Observatory of femicide, a total of six women die every day in Mexico, and authorities investigated 3,892 killings in 2013 only a quarter, according to a study conducted by.

On average, about 14 per 100,000 women in the country, which is four times higher than in other states of Guerrero, are killed every year.

Last year, the international media Ayotzinapa Rural Teacher Training College as many as 43 students Iguala, Guerrero lost in the report.

Mass kidnapping carried out by a group of criminals and government, according to reports, a group of students occupied the several buses.

Iguala students allegedly led by the mayor's wife were planning to protest at the conference.

According to the founder of the women's defense organization, Coalition for Justice for Women, Maria Luisa Garfias data missing and murdered women in the last year have increased above average.

Quoted by the portal as "criminals in this country once again trying to hide their crimes do not. They seem to enjoy their crimes," he said .

Organization so far, more than 600 women in Guerrero have been lost this year and as many as menganggarkansehingga 1,249 rape cases were reported in 2014.


"Only about 40 percent of rape victims report the crime and the real figure may be beyond our expectations," he said.

Guerrero newspaper, vertical, regular media in the backyard reading the graphic images published yesterday.

According to his editor, Jorge Pacheco increased the number of deaths, every day, said he was shocked by the report.

"We just how they were killed, an increase in the mortality rate of women in the country were not surprised by.

"He suspended on a busy highway, the bridge was thrown, the mutilated dead and many more. Every day, more images like this comes into our hands," he said.

Many experts and human rights groups who are out of control on the murder of women are concerned.

Isarve Cano of the Vargas, 19, Tehuacan from the city, about 4,000 women and girls have been kidnapped and one of the victims were killed every year.

May the daughter of a former politician, was reported missing after he was found dead in a month.

The kidnappers demanded a ransom for his family of the Vargas Cano was killed.

In January, the actress Carmen Noriega Esparza, 27, dead in Mexico City, he lived in the apartment block where the rot was found in a water tank.

Psychology graduate when she discovered in February 2014, almost a year ago, had been reported missing.

Another case when sending their children to school, which was attacked Mayor Tiquicheo, Gorrostieta Maria Santos, involved death.

Gorrostieta, found with wounds burned, and San Juan Tararameo by the roadside was tortured body was attacked by the gunmen.

Gorrostieta survived two suicide attempts have been reported.

A high school student, who was last seen on January 31 of Lupita Perez Montes, 17, during a year in the northern city of Ciudad Juarez, who went missing were among 18 young girls.

A missing person, in the case of a primary school teacher, Noe Velasquez and his daughter earlier this year to pay the debt that is more than three times the annual salary of £ 12,000 (RM79445.59) has a loan .

Her daughter, Jimena Vasquez, 18, known through online discussions after meeting a man disappeared in March.

Although the full ransom to the kidnappers, her daughter never came back.

Jimena Velasquez remains in the list of the missing Guerrero state. "I have a lot of debt, but if my daughter back safely would pay ten times," he said.

Maria Wallis, 15, out of school after entering an unfamiliar black car was reported missing in 2010 in Chilpancingo.

His colleague, Jesus Moreno lost in 2008 when the same procedure was his mother, the other for Lilia winner was Ryan.

"I care about the people that are alive or dead. I do not know. My life is like in hell has been taken away from me," he said.
Guerrero, in the country's drug cartels is a state that is very important for the industry.

Guerrero, cannabis and opium poppy cultivation are very fertile.

According to reports, about 41 hectares of opium poppy fields around the town of Guerrero cultivation.

He tweeted the school holidays are false

Tweet became viral and caused confusion among parents.

Shah Alam - Tweet prime cause haze in Malaysia Education Ministry on Monday and Tuesday closed all schools request is invalid.

Viral today many parents to be left confused.

Sinar people's online survey Now that the haze hit the deck to reduce outdoor activities such as Najib is said to have found a genuine.

"I. Mist in several states in Malaysia are at an unhealthy level that reduce outdoor activities, use a face mask if necessary," he wrote on Twitter today.

Should be closed on Monday, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, with the Negeri Sembilan, Sri Aman, Kuching in Sarawak and the Federal Samarahan ordered all schools in the area before this, the Ministry of Education said in a statement (28 Sep 2015 ) A string of strong haze engulfing the state.

In the latest development, the API because the show closed until 4pm Pahang and ordered all schools in Tanjung Malim sick and very sick, 101-200 (201-300).

Haze: undocumented workers to leave

Shah Alam - Malaysia Trades Union Congress (MTUC) was impressed by the quality of export mist unrecorded leave to their employees in the private sector to consider urging employers.

MTUC Deputy Secretary-General, A. Balasubramaniam said, because of her bad haze suffered by workers as a way to reduce the odds.

"If private sector employers in the haze worsened unrecorded leave to their employees should be generous.

"Employers also mist victims provide face masks for workers and they are not involved in any outdoor activities must ensure that," he told Bernama.

Balasubramaniam at the mercy of their employers largely unrecorded private sector workers have to get off, but it protects the welfare of their workers and haze during the holiday, including unrecorded, to provide the necessary assistance employers' social responsibility, he said.

"We employers to work during this critical period can not take action against an employee who has hope," he said.

Other issues, Balasubramaniam not monitor if it will affect the health of its workers as illegal open burning to educate people about the impact the government.

The Union also contribute to environmental problems such as haze from open burning of construction sites and industrial areas also affect the health of workers is identified.

JDT Malaysia First Team To Create History AFC Cup Final

KUALA LUMPUR - JDT (JDT) achieved another significant milestone by becoming the first football team from Malaysia reached the final of the AFC Cup.

Official site Facebook JDT, Johor Southern Tigers said, JDT advance to the final of the AFC in 2015 after being given a walkover for the match with Al-Qadsia SC.

"JDT scheduled against Al-Qadsia SC Stadium Tan Sri Haji Hassan Yunus in Larkin, Johor Bahru on October 20 for the second leg semi-finals of the AFC Cup 2015.

"But because of the problems afflicting the Kuwait Football Association led forces of the country have been hampered by the world football governing body FIFA is involved in an international tournament.

"Therefore, given the victory AFC JDT and will continue to the final of the 2015 AFC Cup team meet FC Istiklol and date of the match is scheduled on October 31," the statement said today.

According to the JDT, it is considered a living opportunities for the team and the supporters of Southern Tigers to jointly witness the JDT achieved another significant milestone in football Johor.

JDT lost 3-1 to Al-Qadsia SC in the semi-final first leg of the AFC Cup 2015 at the Mohammed Al-Hamad Stadium Hawally, Kuwait recently.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Conversion to Islam almost 1,000 people a year in Singapore

SINGAPORE - For those who've been to Singapore may have heard of a local group called the Movement of French Apostate Singapore or also known as Christianity Malays Association (MCA).

Organizations 'underground' the rumor is also active in spreading their propaganda to attract Muslims, especially the young Malays out of liberal Islam is practiced since birth.

To fool the public, the group said Indonesia still retains its original name and for women, they still wear the headscarf, but at the same time calls on people to preach Islam for apostasy.

There may be doubted that, but in Singapore it is not a secret that the government of the republic had witnessed 'divide' the Malays into two groups whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

Recognizing the concerns of Muslims in the island nation since the 1970s, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) to create another party, namely Muslim Converts Association of Singapore in 1980.

The missionary organization ever ride in several office lease before then buying an old supermarket and former Galaxy cinema complex to be used as permanent headquarters of the organization.

When Singapore was a mufti called Darul Arqam MCAS as a reference the first person to embrace Islam in Mecca in the early days of the Prophet Muhammad, but makes his home missionary center.

Today MCAS also synonymous known as Darul Arqam by Singaporeans (Note: Do not misunderstand the cult of prominent Al-Arqam that was banned by the Malaysian government in the early 1990s).

On 10 October, the Darul Arqam hosted an open house and it has also launched a special online application, which is also known as 'Islam4All' to celebrate its anniversary 35th.

Application means "Islam for all" that contains all the video recordings of lectures organized Darul Arqam since 1990 until this year, and can be downloaded via the Apple smartphone and Android gadgets.

In addition, as a welcome birthday, Darul Arqam exhibition revealing scientific achievements and cultural aspects of Islamic civilization from all over the world and it is open to all visitors.

The aim is to encourage people, regardless of race and religion, to better know the "beauty" of Islam which may be unknown, said Vice President of Corporate Affairs Darul Arqam, Tahir Abdul Jalil.

He said he even tried to spread awareness about Islam as a religion for all people since the establishment of the center through a variety of programs in addition to disseminating correct information about Islam.

According to the association, was quoted by the state-owned local station, Channel NewsAsia, the number of visitors who want to learn and converted to Islam in the MCAS has increased since its inception.

On average, during the 1980s, the number of converts or new converts were about 400 people a year before increasing in the 1990s around 500 people a year and after the 2000s, it reached 600 people a year.

Now the number of registered Muslim believers not embrace Islam in Darul Arqam is an average of more than 700 people a year since 2010 and it is expected to be up to 1,000 people per year by 2020..

If this positive trend continues, thus making Islam the fastest growing religion in Singapore quickly, but it will 'solve' the Christian to become the second largest religion after Buddhism practiced.

For the record, so far there are 71 mosques across Singapore and it is growing so crowded that whenever any religious activities including prayers, to 216 churches but less welcome.

Spiritual Offers Condolences On The Passing Muhammad Firdaus

KUALA LUMPUR - The Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim conveyed his condolences to the families of young persons with disabilities (PWDs), Muhammad Firdaus Dullah who died Wednesday afternoon.

Rohani said in a statement expressing sadness because until this morning, Muhammad Firdaus still in good health and showed no signs of instability.

"Since being monitored by institutions Social Welfare Department (SWD) in Taman Sinar Tuanku Ampuan Najihah, Seremban on 21 August last year, he has shown very good progress with improving his final weight of 27 kilograms," the statement said.

Read: Teen with disabilities, Muhammad Firdaus Dies

Muhammad Firdaus died at 1.15pm believed to have been a seizure during lunch at Sinar Harapan concerned.

My father was sent to the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital here soon after the incident.

16-year-old boy was found in a state of neglect by the Immigration enforcement personnel in Flat Taman Putra, points near here on June 21 last year.

Facts About Missile Shoot BUK MH17

KUALA LUMPUR - Here's some information about the missile system BUK type surface-to-air 9N314M used to shoot down airplanes Malaysia Airlines MH17 in eastern Ukraine, last year.

The missile was introduced in 1979 made the Soviet Union, with the complete unit consisting of vehicle control, radar target and some machinery to bring missiles.

According to the Dutch Safety Board, the missiles are for air defense systems consisting of different components in a variety of models and configurations.

"Explosives for this weapon system filled with explosive powder surrounded by two layers of debris formed.

"Systems such missiles surface-to-air can reach a height of 80,000 feet, or 24.4 miles, far surpassing 33,000 feet (10.1km) traveled MH17 then," said the 20-page summary report on the MH17.

The report is available online through the website today.

The Dutch Safety Board reported that the debris from the plane and the bodies of three crew consisting of a mixture of steel without alloy.

According fragment is in the form of cubes and 'bow-tie'.

"The impact, debris and scattered pattern of high-energy objects were found in line with the fragment is in the explosive type 9N314M," he said.

The news agency Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) quoted the Institute for International Strategic based in London as saying the Ukrainian army has more than 60 BUK-M1 missile in 2014.

On the other hand, Ukraine has recently claimed that they no longer have BUK systems, while Russia has about 350 different types, DPA said.

Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine also reported to have such missiles, the news agency said.

Flight 17 was shot down in the restive region of Ukraine near the Russian border on July 17, 2014.

All 283 passengers and 15 crew en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, were killed.

Benefits of Laughter, Boost Positivity in Life

Ordinary in human life, laughter is one expression of the individual to express the feeling of happiness, fun and happy that want to share.

However, laughter is not only an expression that exists in humans but also can stimulate laughter and positivity effect in a person.

This can be proven scientifically where laughter may indeed bring benefits and avoid disadvantages in life.

Let's look at four words by science about laughter below.

Laughter gives good health to the body
His article entitled 'An Antidotes For Stress Humor' written by a registered nurse, Patty Wooten disclose laughter provides many benefits to humans.

In natural, laughing can reduce stress hormones in yourself and improve blood flow in the body thus it can protect the body from heart disease attack.

Generally it will also strengthen the immune system in the body. This will reduce the risk for infections and diseases because it would maintain immunity in themselves.

With a laugh, he will release endorphins into the brain which will make the individual feel relaxed and happy. Therefore, if you feel stressed and depressed, looking for something that can make you laugh to restore the mood to go through your daily life.

2. Laughter can strengthen your relationship

Generally, laughter can also strengthen one's relationship. Do not be the person who issued the negative energy that comes along rather be individual pressure release positive energy and laughter that can involve two people in the same time.

Combining laughter in your life can improve and strengthen the quality of your relationship. Indirectly it will also improve the quality of life in all aspects of life.

3. Laughter can change the perception in life

Individuals often laugh can change as well as change the view and perspective in life. It will give a wider scope and make the person more independent and open-minded about things. It will also stop a person is thinking too much about minor issues.

Laughed until colic can quickly relax the entire body and soothe the stress and tensions.

4. Laughter makes you more interested

Individuals who often smiled and laughed often more interesting and captivating than those who are always depressed and angry.

Laughter also has a tendency to reduce tension and irregularities in certain situations. So, jangn anxious to start a joke if you're out for the first appointment in the future.

It can provide the inspiration, motivation and what's important to make them laugh.

OKU teens, Muhammad Firdaus Dies

UBUD - Young persons with disabilities (PWDs), Muhammad Firdaus Dullah found in an emaciated in Taman Putra, value, years ago, died of convulsions at around 1pm on Wednesday.

It is understood he is now 16 years old; before it was reported faint in the Home Sinar Harapan before the ambulance arrived and later died while en route to a hospital.

On June 21 of last year, Muhammad Firdaus was found quite sad at his house when the operation was carried out illegal immigrants near his home by the Immigration Department of State.

He was a scrawny found locked up in a room that was very dirty and there was filth everywhere that it is dry before being rescued and sent to the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital here for treatment.

Following the case, the mother of Muhammad Firdaus, Lolanopita Sadi, 41 years; was arrested and on 17 November, she was sentenced to four months in jail and fined RM10,000 by the Sessions Court in Seremban.

He was found guilty of neglect and abandon their children without supervision. The case received tremendous public attention following a visual recordings found himself a widely publicized by the media.

Muhammad Firdaus then placed under the care of the Social Welfare Department and placed in Negeri Sembilan Taman Sinar Harapan Tengku Ampuan Najihah, Seremban.

Visa Offers New System 1.25 Million Umrah Pilgrims Month

MECCA - A new Umrah system will be announced soon it will also increase the number of religious pilgrims quota of 400,000 pilgrims a month now to 1.25 million pilgrims every month.

According to the Ministry of Hajj of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Bandar Mohammed Al-Hajjar, an increase in the number of Umrah visas higher it aims to take full advantage of all the mega development projects in Makkah and Madinah.

Each expansion project involves the Sacred Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah is expected to be completed soon and by the end of this year, according to local media reports recently.

The minister explained that from next year, it is expected to approve more visas for trips to all countries using fully electronic system known as E-Visa.

Although the new Umrah season will begin in mid-next month, Dr. City add it plans to double the number of pilgrims quota within the next five years.

Read: Saudi Coming Back Quota 30,000 Jemaah Haji Malaysia
Umrah visa applications via the internet site of the Ministry of Hajj in Saudi Arabia, he said, only takes a few minutes compared to traditional manual processing of forms for decades.

The ministry expects will produce up to 10 million next year visa for all the umrah pilgrims around the world compared to just 6 million visa which can be issued throughout the year.

In fact he was very confident were estimated at 60 million visa can be issued by 2018. Last month, Dr. City announced quota will be increased in stages starting next season.
This follows the completion of two expansion projects in the Holy Land, which saw five million pilgrims can be accommodated in 2016 before increasing again to 30 million people in 2020.

Monday 12 October 2015

Loss capsules, Parking Tun Formula M For Pelaris failure

IF note a fairly warm welcome given to fans of movies like Evo and Jwanita police, but the situation is different with the movie that aired capsule since 17 September.

So far, it is understood that the film would earn proceeds of approximately RM30,000 only, far back to recover the capital spent on the making of this film, which amounted to RM2.4 million.

Police Evo Quote RM8 Million In 11 Days Shows
Films, ostensibly Two Tones Sdn. Bhd. This is said to be getting the attention of Malaysians as a special appearance by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Tun glamor called M.

The Statesman typically shown in a scene together with the main actor, Faizal Hussein, even a brief anecdote was given ample publicity in the local media.

However, it seems formulas and ingredients that can not be used when a special appearance Tun M was not able to draw the audience to see his first foray into acting.

For information Capsule is a film inspired by the 2020 time capsule planted by Tun M whose idea the film is the result of the author's description of the physical form of capsules.

The contents of the capsule carrying the mandate Tun M by 2020 it was rumored to be grown in the New Millennium Monument in Putrajaya when the ground-breaking ceremony of Federal Government Administrative Centre.

Due to the number of citations Capsule is a very embarrassing, very likely other publishers after this movie will think twice before taking a binding contract Tun M acted in copies of their films.

Perhaps also it was time Tun M relax spend more time with his wife, son, daughter and grandchildren rushing to redeem their 22 year faces an uphill task as prime minister before.

New toll rates in Senai-Desaru On Thursday

Johor Bahru - Senai-Desaru Expressway Berhad today announced new toll rates for the Senai-Desaru Expressway (SDE), which will take effect on Thursday.

Chief Executive Officer Mustaza Salim said the increase in four toll plazas out at the Toll Plaza SDE Senai, Ulu Tiram, Cahaya Baru and cure it involves one to four vehicle classes with an average rate of 80 per cent up to RM4.70, while there is no coordination of the five classes of vehicles.

"Vehicles of first-class cars will be increased from 80 sen to RM2.30, second class of trucks of less than one tonne increased from RM1.20 to RM3.50, three classes of vehicles of large truck and trailer went up from RM1.50 to RM4.70, while fourth-grade type of vehicle drivers also rose 40 sen to RM1.20, "it said in a statement here today.

Mustaza said that out of the Class 1 toll plaza Senai will be charged RM4.50 toll plaza when entering from Ulu Tiram, if the entry of RM9.20 toll plaza and RM13.50 New Light on entry of Toll Plaza bidder.

Meanwhile, he adds, for Class 2, the toll stood at RM6.80 if the entry of Toll Plaza Ulu Tiram, RM13.80 if the entry of new toll plaza and RM20.20 if the light entering from the Toll Plaza bidder.

He said Class 3 will be charged RM9 if entry of Toll Plaza Ulu Tiram, RM18.40 New Light of Toll Plaza Toll Plaza and RM27 from bidders, while Class 4 is charged RM2.30 from Toll Plaza Ulu Tiram, from RM4.60 Cahaya Baru toll plaza and the toll plaza RM6.80 bidder.

According Mustaza, the Class 1 toll plaza exit in Ulu Tiram also be charged RM4.50 if entering from Senai toll plaza, the toll plaza RM5.60 and RM9.90 New Light of Toll Plaza bidder, while Class 2 is also charged RM6 .80 if entering from Senai toll plaza, the toll plaza RM8.50 and RM14.90 New Light of Toll Plaza bidder.

He said the Class 3 also charged RM9 if entering from Senai toll plaza, the toll plaza RM11.30 and RM19.90 New Light of Toll Plaza bidder while Class 4 is charged RM2.30 if entering from Senai Toll Plaza, from RM2.80 Cahaya Baru toll plaza and the toll plaza RM5 bidder.

"For those who go out at Toll Plaza New Light, the Class 1 will be charged RM9.20 if entering from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM5.60 from RM7.20 from Ulu Tiram and toll plaza bidder while Class 2 charged RM13.80 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM8.50 from RM10.80 from Ulu Tiram and toll plaza bidder.

"Class 3 was charged RM18.40 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM11.30 from RM14.40 from Ulu Tiram and toll plaza bidder while Class 4 charged RM4.60 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM2.80 from Ulu Tiram and Bidders from RM3.60 toll plaza, "he said.

Mustaza said for the exit toll plaza bidder, the user Class 1 will be charged RM13.50 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM9.90 from RM7.20 from Ulu Tiram and Cahaya Baru toll plaza.

Sementrara he said, Class 2 was charged RM20.20 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM14.90 from RM10.80 from Ulu Tiram and Cahaya Baru toll plaza.

For users of Class 3, they will be charged RM27 from Senai toll plaza, toll plaza RM19.90 from RM14.40 from Ulu Tiram and Cahaya Baru toll plaza, while Class 4 is charged RM6.80 from Senai toll plaza, RM5 from Ulu Tiram Toll Plaza Toll Plaza and RM3.60 from New Light.

Toll Highway 11 Ride Home After 5 Years

KUALA LUMPUR - A total of 11 highway concessionaires in the Klang Valley today announced the hike of between 10 cents and RM6 into operation on Thursday.

The toll rates for the new Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway (KLK), Highway Maju Expressway (MEX), Kajang-SILK Highway, Duta-Ulu Kelang Expressway (DUKE), and the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART).

Also announced the hike is the KL-Kuala Selangor (HISTORY), Sungai Besi (BESRAYA), and the New Pantai Expressway (NPE), Kajang Seremban Highway (LEKAS), Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP), and Traffic Dispersal System KL Barat (SPRINT), so at 9 tonight.

However, PLUS Malaysia Berhad in the statement that the toll highways in all eight of its operations will remain at this point.

ANIH Berhad spokesman said the new toll rates KLK Gombak toll plaza is RM6 (first class), RM12 (second class), RM18 (third grade), RM3 (fourth grade), while class five permanent RM5.

"For Bentong Toll Plaza, the class of RM3.50, RM7 class two, class three RM10.50, RM1.80 fourth grade, and fifth grade continued to RM3," he said when contacted by Bernama here, today.

Class one is for cars, trucks second-class for less than one tonne, grade three large trucks and trailers, grade four and grade five drivers for the bus.

Meanwhile, the Highway MEX, Maju Expressway Sdn. Bhd. in a statement said the new toll rates for Salak Selatan toll plaza is RM2 (first class), RM4 (second class), RM6 (third grade), RM1 (fourth grade) and RM1.50 (fifth grade).

The new rates for toll plaza Putrajaya is RM3.50 (class one), RM7 (second class), RM10.50 (third grade), RM1.80 (fourth grade) and RM2.50 (fifth grade).

In the meantime, SILK Holdings Berhad said the new toll rates for Highway Kajang-Silk is RM1.80 (class one), RM3.60 (class two), RM5.40 (grade three) and 90 cents (grade four) and RM1 ( fifth grade).

For DUKE, North-East Consortium (KL) Sdn. Bhd. announced new toll rates for Plaza Tol Ayer Panas, Sentul Pasar Toll Plaza Toll Plaza and Sungai Batu is RM2.50 for first-class RM3.80 (class two), RM5 (third grade), RM1.30 (fourth grade) and remains RM1.30 for fifth grade.

Meanwhile, the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel Sdn. Bhd. also announced new toll rates for Highway Tunnel SMART is RM3.

For HISTORY, the KL-Kuala Selangor Expressway Berhad announced new toll rates for highways involves Toll Plaza Marlow, Toll Plaza East Kuang, Kuang West Toll Plaza Toll Plaza Templer of RM2.50 for the first class, RM5 (second class) , RM7 (third grade), RM1.30 (fourth grade), and fifth grade was unchanged at RM2.

At the same time, BESRAYA (M) Sdn. Bhd. also announced the rate structure toll at Mines (North and South) of RM2 for the first class, RM4 (second class), RM4 (third grade), and RM2 (fourth grade), and fifth grade was unchanged at RM1.30.

For NPE, the New Pantai Expressway Sdn. Bhd. In a statement announcing the new toll rates for Toll Plaza Toll Plaza Pantai Dalam and PJS5 for first class is RM2.30, RM4.60 (class two), RM6.90 (class three), RM1.20 (fourth grade) and grade five permanent at RM1.60.

For PJS2 toll plaza, the new toll rate for first-class remained at RM1, while the second class (RM4.60), third class (RM6.90), grade four (RM1.20) and fifth grade remained at RM1.60, the statement it.

Meanwhile another concessionaire Kajang Seremban (LEKAS) Sdn. Bhd. also announced structural adjustment in the toll highway between 10 sen and RM2.

The new rate would involve a closed toll collection system for users who use the toll plaza south Kajang, Semenyih toll plaza, toll plaza Pajam, Gort toll plaza, toll plaza and toll plaza Hoboken Sentul using an open toll system.

There is no increase in toll rates for PLUS-operated highways eight.

PLUS is operated highways North-South Expressway (PLUS), the New Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE), Federal Highway Route 2 (FHR2), Seremban-Port Dickson Highway (PDH), North-South Expressway Central Link (ELITE), Second Crossing Malaysia-Singapore (Linkedua), Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE) and Penang Bridge, according to a press PLUS.

Meanwhile, the LDP, linkaran Trans Kota Sdn. Bhd. (Together) also announced an increase in toll rates for all classes of vehicles, except the fifth grade special for buses.

The structure of the new toll rate in the BDS include RM2.10 for first class, RM4.20 (class two), RM6.30 (third grade) and RM1.10 (grade four) while class five remained at RM1.60, the statement together with.

At the same time, SPRINT, in a statement also said the increase in toll rates for the four classes of vehicles passing through the toll plaza Damansara Toll Plaza Beach, and Toll Plaza Bukit Kiara.

The new toll rate at Toll Plaza Damansara is RM2 for the first class, second class (RM4), third class (RM6) and class four (RM1), and fifth grade remained at RM1; and the Toll Plaza Beach class vehicles are charged RM2.50, RM 7 to grade two, RM10.50 and RM1.80 for three classes of fourth grade and fifth grade for the price.

For Toll Plaza Bukit Kiara, the new toll rates for first class is RM3, RM6 (second class), RM9 (third grade), RM1.50 (fourth grade) and remained at RM2 for the fifth grade, the statement said.

The last toll was raised on March 1, 2009, involving North-South Expressway (PLUS), SPRINT, Ampang-Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway (Elevated), BESRAYA and NPE while no increase in other motorway concession companies since 2008.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Women Need Help Treat Leukemia

ALOR SETAR - A woman from Kampung Bukit Seri, Limavady with leukemia last two years require help in treating the disease.

Her husband Abdul Hamid Aziz, 63, said as he no longer works to meet his family, he needs help people to buy medicine, diapers, special milk payment and finance the hospital's wife go up to RM500 a month.

"In the last two years is indeed a lot of times he was admitted to hospital and within a month, only two or three days he was home," he said, who previously worked as a laborer but had to stop for the management of his wife.

He said his wife is sick in bed with her weight has dropped to 35 kilograms compared to 68 kilograms when healthy.

"I also can not afford to pay school fees for my three children," he said, adding that he did not receive help from any party.

Assistance can be channeled to Abdul Hamid through the National Savings Bank account 0211229000152945. He can be contacted at 013-5842499.

Collector Model Lego Willing to Spend

KUALA LUMPUR - A man with two children could spend up to RM20,000 last December to meet his interest in collecting model Lego game 'Star Wars'.

Muhd Faizul Ismail, 32, said he did not feel any regret or loss by decision to buy Lego models that are considered among the most expensive on the market.

"It is a great satisfaction for me when successfully installing and equipping a model is a complex game.

Although the installation process is quite challenging and test the mind, it's a game that's very good because it can build more creative and thought it a hobby suitable for all ages, "he said.

Muhd Waterhouse was among the exhibitors who took part in the 'Brick KL Festival and Toy Collectors' Fair' held at the Training Institute of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall here today.

"The most challenging part is that I had to install and organize a wide variety of sizes and shapes of Lego according to the instructions given," said the Kelantan-born.

According Muhd ​​Waterhouse, set the toughest ever installation of vessel Star Wars is a model known as the 'Millennium Falcon' measuring 26.7 meters involving more than 50,000 pieces of Lego.

Civil servant, said he began to 'stuck' in collecting this popular game to see his friend who was obsessed with the game.

According to him, 50 Lego models his game on display at the festival for the sixth time he had participated and intend to make it as a heritage collection for her children.

Day festival which takes place in conjunction with the Kuala Lumpur Design Month 2015 (Kuala Lumpur Design Month 2015) includes over 50 booths of exhibitors and dealers of various products mainly Lego game.

Between that attract visitors, especially children, is a giant model of a fictional character superhero film 'Iron Man' in front of the entrance booth at the festival.

Festival director, Mohammad Latif said Zahri between Lego model on display is a representation of characters and props in superhero comics, animated films or cartoons and movies like 'Star Wars' and 'Lord of the Rings'.

"As of noon today, we distribute 400 mini Lego to visitors who pre-register to attend this festival," he said, adding that the event is expected to attract more than 1,000 visitors

'Two' Girl In This Picture Is The Same Person? Wow

Viral on social media when it's image 'two' girls only sweet black and one white.

Would you believe these two girls were the same person?

This girl who uses the Instagramfarajuliana a model for the brand Scarf and scarves Easy Peasy just 16 years old.

What makes netizens strange is how he can change from a girl who has a little dark skin to white and sleek?

Answering the question, instagram account Scarf Easy Peasy provide some answers.

"About this thing going viral. I want to explain something ...

"I heard lots of -ve comment. So I want to make it clear to all of you.

"Actually, We do it for fun!" Says Scarf Easy Peasy

According to the website will also Instagram, Farah began to change when he changed schools and stop playing sports.

"farajuliana First slave sport he always played netball, athletics and so on is why they can be so dark mcm tu. After her stop all sports and school exchange he was back to normal. I'm telling Haa! Collagen also does not know what he had.

"To confirm the picture after that is make up and lighting touch up for the purpose of business. If you want the realfarajuliana upright upright ig he can go. He also normal 16 year old girl.

In addition, mereja also advised that women are out there to be an educated and beautiful women so much more confident.

Friday 9 October 2015

Termination of Gani did not follow the constitution - Council

Council today reiterated its position that the termination of Tan Sri Abdul Gani as the Attorney General did not follow perlembagaan.- Image File

KUALA LUMPUR: The Bar Council today reiterated its position that the termination of Tan Sri Abdul Gani as Attorney General was unconstitutional.

President Steven Thiru says this is because the government said Abdul Gani will continue to be the judicial and legal officers until he retired and this was the demotion of a security right to be heard.

Steven said Abdul Gani right to be heard should be based on health reasons as the reason given by the government on the date of his services were terminated and Abdul Gani has the right to appear before the medical board.

"We think what has happened is that he had been demoted because of a statement issued by the government, said that he would continue to serve as judicial officers and law until his retirement.

"The right to be heard here should be based on the reasons given by the government. The reason given by the government was for health reasons. If a civil servant should be terminated for reasons of health, there is a procedure.

"Civil servants have the right to appear before the medical board and then they make a decision.

"This was not observed and complied with it because it does not cause these things to be unconstitutional," he told reporters at a press conference here today.

On Wednesday, Attorney General (AG), the newly-appointed Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali Abdul Gani said the termination was conducted according to the Constitution, which does not require a tribunal to determine its services.

Mohamed Apandi said an article in the constitution that requires the tribunal for the termination of the AG was replaced by a new clause under the Act (Amendment) Bill and the Constitution came into force on 16 September 1963.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Special Underwear For Men Penis Stiff Fun

SAN FRANCISCO - Nearly every man, especially the youth, may have experienced an erection or erect penile shaft at the most inopportune times, especially in public up to humiliate yourself.

Good news, some fashion designers from the United States (US) are reported to have created a special boxer underwear model for men and allegedly can protect the dignity of man when erect penis suddenly.

Lingerie is referred to as 'Bloxers' is also said to be the Adam spared from feelings of shame, especially if their penis erect stem length without warning in public places.

The underwear maker said the inspiration for the invention is derived from the famous ancient statue of David famed Italian artist, Michelangelo's many built in several European countries in the past.

Looking at these figures clearly demonstrate the designer deliberately put a bouquet of olive leaves to cover genitals David, the brave legendary warrior naked according to the Scriptures of the Old Testament.

According to local media, 'Bloxer' was launched in the US market since last July and he has a kind of shield is actually a large bag to cover and conceal intimate male erection.

Made from 100 percent cotton wool, sophisticated underwear is offered in three sizes either size small, medium and large, and in three color choices prevalent form of gray, black and white.

Fabric-based textile fabric is also hypoallergenic or allergy-proof chemical species that can stretch automatically according to the movements of the wearer's thighs, especially if the erect penis when aroused spontaneous lust.
Even designers who came from Washington DC are also planning to produce a collection of swimming trunks male version of 'Bloxer'. For a start, this is only limited special pants sold for building an online purchase.

They initially joined the US well-known fundraising, Indiegogo here to raise about US $ 30,000 (RM125,970) which is then used as work pants in the commercial manufacture.

Even according to the site, if the proceeds reach more than US $ 200,000 (RM844,999) set designer is intended to diversify the pattern of other customers can design their own 'Bloxer' follow the size of the penis when erect.

A quarter of the profits will be donated to Movember Foundation, a charitable organization for the study of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental disorders.

Chinese man posing Army, Ready to Wear Boots In Mosque

Supposedly stop to the mosque to relieve himself but a 'military' captured the public when is found in a suspicious manner.

When captured the public at 10.30 am on Saturday, the suspect who allegedly held the rank of lieutenant was dressed in full the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) and stopped at the Army Combat Training Centre (Pulada), Ulu Tiram, Johor.

Quoting the Harian Metro, Kota Tinggi District Police Chief, Suprintendan Rahmat Othman said the suspect failed to provide identification as an army officer during an inspection by officials Pulada.

The suspect was identified as Chinese Kuan Ma Song, 43, a Buddhist and come from Johor.

The assessment of the iPad mini and iPhone 6 belonging to the suspect, there was a lot of digital pictures dressed in camouflage, camouflage tiger corps by name and also different in several mosques including mosques Pulada

Police also seized a Toyota Camry, a car grants, appointment cards Rela members, identity card, the Civil Service Corps beret, name tag, iPad mini and iPhone 6 branded mobile phone.

'Soldier' was also photographed wearing a viral following its military footwear in the prayer hall.

The suspect is remanded under Section 117 of the Criminal Procedure Code for further investigations.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Hollywood actress Emilia Wear Panties More

SYDNEY - Fancy a sleek appearance behind Cate Blanchett in various red carpet events, there is actually a piece of clothing in a totally not sexy 'protect the most intimate parts of her body.

Even the actress hails from Melbourne, Australia and a 46-year-old claimed in the latest issue of the international magazine, People that she has panties that are considered the worst in the world.

"You'll immediately be surprised if see what's on special underwear drawer in my bedroom. I swear, I often beautiful grounds in a photo shoot in order to be able to wear the pants in the latest, "said Cate.

The famous Hollywood star even tell that he was still store and wear special underwear made his own mother when he was studying at a secondary school in Australia.

"I have the odd feeling of being in a boutique lingerie, I do not know what to buy. Oh! You have to look at underwear that my mother made it, dull gray color, like paint the walls of the prison, "he chuckled.

The situation was never made her existing four children, was a sensation when attending an Australian film awards earlier this year without wearing pants that accentuate the shape of the groove in her vagina.


Does this mean that Cate was still wearing his underwear collection of the evil behind all wearing pretty dresses Armaninya exclusively for this collection? "Yes," replied honestly that actress graduated from the University of Melbourne.

Previously, when still at school, Cate admitted that he used to wear his own clothes sewn by his mother, June; a former teacher and real estate developer in Australia as well as single mothers after the death of her husband, Robert.

"I describe the clothes that I want, and I am sure mother sew for me. My mother was very creative, "recalls Cate sentimental nostalgia old enough. He is the second of three siblings.

His brother, Bob is now a computer systems engineer while his younger sister, Genevieve is a theater designer. Their father was a former US Navy sailor (USA) who later became chief executive of advertising firm.

However, after his father died of a heart attack when Cate was 10 years old, their mother became head of the family and this is the start of elegance Cate as one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood.

Read: Women at Risk Pubic Hair Shaved No Pain

Not only that, the Australian star Cate considered the most successful to ever win the Academy Awards twice, three times, Screen Actors Guild Awards, three Golden Globe Awards and three times British Film Awards.

In addition to clothing, Cate also said that her mother very carefully observe health and beauty itself in Australia, the four seasons, making him to be diligent and 'picky' when it comes to skin care.

"Actually, my skin is not problematic, but I like outdoor activities. So, I used to wear the oil to the skin, the lotion-proof solar radiation and other skin care problem, "said Cate bluntly.

Since childhood, she always reminded Cate about the dangers of skin cancer and the risk of death, if he did not care for the prevention and early in maintaining the health of the skin.

Mustapa Mandated Negotiating Terms of Agreement TPPA

KUALA LUMPUR - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has mandated the Minister of International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed in respect of negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).

Via TwitterNajibRazak today, the prime minister said he and the cabinet has given the mandate and trust to Mustapa to negotiate the terms of TPPA.

"It is the responsibility of government to ensure the country's long-term economic interests are preserved and at the same time, domestic demand is not compromised," he said.

Meanwhile, Mustapa said in a statement yesterday said TPPA formulated recently agreed to consider almost all raised concerns and sensitivities of Malaysia including government procurement, state-owned enterprises and indigenous.

Mustapa said Malaysia was given to flexibility details include longer transition period and differential treatment for sensitive matter for the country.

Youth also assured that the decision on whether Malaysia is a party or otherwise to the TPPA will be a collective decision.

"As soon as the official text of the agreement is ready and prepared, it will be brought to the public and tabled in Parliament for discussion. We will also hold a full consultation with stakeholders and the public, "he said.

Haze: Angry quipped, Indonesia Use of Chemicals Strongest!

BE is appropriately named as arrogant or too stupid to touch the old saying goes, exploiters can not be criticized, nor foolish not be taught. In short, the people of North say pi mai pi mai tang tu, too.

In fact, the haze issue including neighboring country, Singapore and recent, Thailand; not only the worst since 1997 as the Administration of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States (US).

In fact the cause of the haze from Indonesia since last August and a 'show' annual mandatory whenever the dry summer highlight stories that unload some funny situations and desperate party.

Imagine, for the first time in history an unprecedented Indonesian Police Chief 'innuendo' openly by the representative of Malaysia and Brunei while attending a regional meeting in Kuala Lumpur last week.

This was disclosed by General Badrodin Haiti reported news portal Indonesia, Tempo on Sunday when he attended the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on cross-border crime in the capital city of Malaysia.

Read: NASA Warns, Haze Will Be Worst in History

Although not explained in detail whether the proverb 'sharp', but is rumored to be unhappy with the cynical paragraph delegation of the two allied countries in respect of the haze crisis without end.

Badrodin but can only explain republic had its best endeavors to address the issue, including claims 240 companies owner of the garden or the open burning mass.

Perhaps embarrassed or enlightenment less convincing many people, the police chief of Indonesia's 'praise' Singapore at the meeting as positive but strange at the same time refusing help the small island states.

For the record, not easy to Singapore 'alone-time' presents aid to foreign countries unless there is a strategic need or as a diplomatic way of helping a country that is problematic in terms of long-term relationships.

Action Indonesia refused to accept help from outsiders, including Malaysia, have also criticized the country's own citizens than many political leaders and non-governmental organizations as behavior 'pretend not located.

It is written but implied Indonesia apparently did so because they were testing a chemical used to extinguish fire resulting haze is still ongoing.

According to the influential portal Kompas on Tuesday, the National Agency for Disaster Prevention (BNPB) actively tested 40 tons of the substance were reported to lower the temperature and reduce fire smoke drastically.

The material in powder form was created by local scientists, Randall Hartolakson extract of cassava as the main chemical ingredient, according to Chief BNPB, Willem Rampangilei at a press conference at his office in Jakarta.

Fogging materials will be conducted in South Sumatra province through water ways bombing or shelling juicy as commonly done helikoter air fire for fire fighting in the dense forest.

Unfortunately, neither disclosed whether the side effects of these chemicals let alone trace haze of the region will 'fly' freely go to Malaysia and Singapore.

Again, for the 'fathers' of the Indonesian government that is being considered, listen to the grievances of citizens and we should not bother your neighbors neighbors just because they're easy prey.

Sunday 4 October 2015

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It is certainly a night to remember.

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Woman's body found floating in river at Kota Tinggi

Rahmat said the victim was identified by her husband, Abdul Asid Etae, a citizen of Thailand.

KOTA TINGGI: The body of a woman with her stomach bloated was found floating by the public at the end of Sungai Kampung Makam, near here, yesterday.

Kota Tinggi district police chief Supt Rahmat Othman said the victim who was believed to have drowned, was found by passersby, fully clothed, at 10.35am.

The victim was identified as Khadijah Abu Bakar, 49, of Taman Sri Damansara, Kota Tinggi, he said in a statement here.

"The body was then taken to the Kota Tinggi Hospital and an autopsy found that the cause of death was drowning," he said.

Rahmat said the victim was identified by her husband, Abdul Asid Etae, a citizen of Thailand.

"The identification was done based on the clothing, an anklet and a blue hair scarf worn by the victim," he said.

The investigation also revealed that the victim had a history of mental illness.

The case was classified as sudden death, said Rahmat.

Mexico Earth dangerous for women?

Among the victims of murders that occurred in Guerrero, Mexico.

GUERRERO - MEXICO. When police found her mother's body without a head, Shilin Quinones knew that he had become orphans as orphans countless in Guerrero, Mexico.

Quinones also know that his mother, Aide Nava has become one of the hostages and kill drug trafficking were rampant in the neighboring Guerrero.

Nava is a candidate for mayor of a city located in the mountains of Mexico, Ahuacuotzingo.

After vowing to rid the city of the influence of the drug cartels and gangsters, Nava was kidnapped, raped, tortured and beheaded.

On March 11, the loss of Nava missed when drug gangs that kidnap group threw her body out in the open.

His body was covered with spray-painted cloth on which is written "this will happen to anyone who is not aligned with us."

"The police told us that they could not identify the bodies of my mother without kepalanya.Saya had denounced my mother's body with a birthmark on his arm," Quinones said when told of his ordeal to an international portal.

Quinones, 19, had lost control everything from drug cartels took place in his home.

His father, who served as mayor of the town of Francisco Quinones, was killed with a gun nine months before the murder of her mother do.

While his brother is said to have 'disappeared' since a few years ago, believed kidnapped by drug gangs in 2012 ago.

With a murder committed on his parents, residents in the area believe that Quinones and her sister, Vanessa might be the next target for the syndicate.

"Women lost and dying every day from this place. My mom was just one of thousands of other victims, "he said.

According to a study conducted by the National Citizen Femicide Observatory, a total of six women killed in Mexico every day and only one-fourth of the 3,892 homicides in 2013 investigated by the authorities.

On average, about 14 per 100,000 women are murdered each year in Guerrero, which is four times higher than other states in the country.

Last year, international media reported as many as 43 male students of the Rural Teacher Training College Ayotzinapa lost in Iguala, Guerrero.

The mass kidnapping carried out by a group of gangsters and according to official reports, the group seized several buses carrying the students.

The students were reportedly planning to hold a protest at the conference led by the wife of the mayor of Iguala.

According to the founder of the women's defense organization, Allied Women for Justice, Maria Luisa Garfias said statistics disappearance and murder of women in this year rose sharply above the average in the previous year.

"The criminals in this country do not even try to hide their crimes again. They seem to enjoy their crimes, "he said as quoted by the portal.

The organization menganggarkansehingga so far, more than 600 women in Guerrero have been lost this year and as many as 1,249 rape cases were reported in 2014.

"She was afraid to report the crime to the authorities. We have recorded one case of rape victims reported the crime to the police but was eventually reported as missing after trying to obtain justice for himself.

"Only about 40 percent of rape victims report the crime and the real figure may be beyond our expectations," he said.

Guerrero daily newspaper, Vértice, regularly publishing pictures of graphic murder the previous day in the backyard reading the media.

According to his editor, Jorge Pacheco said he was shocked by the number of deaths reported increasing, every day.

"We were not only surprised by the increase in female mortality in the country, but also with how they were killed.

"They were thrown from the bridge, suspended on a busy highway, mutilated before being killed and many more. Every day, more and more images like this arrives in our hands, "he said.

There are many experts and human rights groups expressed concern over the murder of women who are out of control.

Isarve Cano Vargas, 19, from the city of Tehuacan, was one of the victims of about 4,000 women and girls were abducted and killed each year.

The daughter of a former politician was found dead in May, a month after she was reported missing.

Vargas Cano was killed despite his family paid a ransom to the kidnappers demands.

In January, the body of an actress Carmen yourself Noriega Esparza, 27, was found rotting in a water tank in the apartment block where he lived in Mexico City.

Psychology graduate, was reported missing nearly a year ago when she discovered in February 2014.

Another case involved the death of the mayor Tiquicheo, Gorrostieta Maria Santos, who was attacked when sending their children to school.

Gorrostieta was ambushed by armed men tied his body was found with stab wounds, burned, and tortured by the roadside in San Juan Tararameo.

Gorrostieta was reported to have survived two suicide attempts.

A high school student, Lupita Perez Montes, 17, who was last seen on January 31 were among 18 young girls who went missing from the northern city of Ciudad Juarez in over a year.

In the case of a missing person, a primary school teacher, Noe Velasquez has made a loan of £ 12,000 (RM79445.59) that is over three times his annual salary to pay the ransom of her daughter earlier this year.

Her daughter, Jimena Vasquez, 18, disappeared in March after meeting a man known through online conversations.

Although he gave full ransom to the kidnappers, her daughter never came back.

Jimena Velasquez remains in the list of the missing Guerrero state. "I have a lot of debt, but I would pay ten times if my daughter back safely," he said.

Maria Velez, 15, was reported missing in Chilpancingo in 2010 after entering into an unfamiliar black car outside the school.

The incident was the second tragedy for his mother, Lilia winner when his partner, Jesus Moreno lost in 2008 in the same modus operandi.

"The people that I care about has been taken away from me. I do not know if they are alive or dead. My life is like in hell, "he said.
Guerrero is a state that is very important for the industry in the country's drug cartels.

Guerrero is the cultivation of cannabis and opium poppies are very fertile.

According to reports, about 41 hectares of opium poppy fields cultivated around the city of Guerrero.