
Monday 8 February 2016

Deep Earthquake Waves - Can They Be Used to Generate Energy?

Can we use the latest Deep Earthquake Waves to Generate Power for mankinds largest civilizations? Some scientists think so. The World Think Tank thinks so.

The scientific community has discovered deep Earth hmms. Here is an example of the mass media articles on this issue:

In times or cycles of major earth movement, we might be able to use some of this deep Earth Crust rumblings to generate mankind's power needs? We should definitely take advantage of this energy. There is technology available now to use the excitement of helium atoms inside an enclosure to generate heat to make steam generators. To excite the atoms sound waves are used. If we use deep Earth rumbling anomalies with deep wells in the shape of long horns to amplify the resonance to heat up helium in generators which would be located on the surface or on the ocean's floor.

The steam turbines would generate significant energy. We could use generators like this on the ocean floor to charge submarine batteries or charging stations for UUV ocean floor farming, Coast Guard Surveillance or Underwater Cities. We could use the surface generators to connect to the power grid.

The UUVs for the coast guard or those for underwater farming would come to the charging station and charge themselves and could remain submerged indefinitely. By studying the ocean currents with UUVs we can understand weather flows better, ocean currents, map unknown or charted mountain ridges, study fault lines underwater volcanic activity. These UUVs can circulate using the superflow currents. All data collected will be scientifically useful. UUVs monitoring of our off shore coastline is a matter of national security all this can be possible if they have the necessary power sources and infrastructure.

The energy is there, it always has been and it is still waiting for us to come and harvest it, it is free. Free is good, this energy is non-ending and very renewable and unlimited. If we can dig deep for oil and natural gas to make energy, why not for the Earth's raw power?

The World Think Tank is actively looking for thinkers who have ideas and concepts which will help mankind go to the next level.

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